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Everything posted by Duncan_642

  1. Its a shame a legitimate site for hunting enthusiasts is ruined by a load of stupid people with discusions of law breaking and violence to counter dog theft... Why not use legal; deterants.. Better security a motion sensing light.. Actually tell the police.. give them a chance to do something
  2. To be fair training should have started at about 6 months, what have you done so far with her? ultimatley what are you going to use her for? there is not set rules to training specifics but she needs to understand directional instructions from you either visual or sound signals. There is an element of in bred instinct and if shes keen to run hedge rows and the like time and confidance will be a factor
  3. ive got an eye on a few hedge rows packed full of them same as blackberries too hoards of them!!!!
  4. izuzu rodeo basically a navara in size and spec without the problems
  5. Because its dumb irrisponsable people like him and you that mean firearms laws and legislation are constantly under review, I for one dont want to see it impossible to take part in fieldsports and hunting I enjoy becuse some mug cant see shooting things in a local parish woods is stupid
  6. and easy to hide cant beat um atb cairnsy why would you need to hide it if your doing things legitamately??
  7. any need for the foul language used on this site?? really does spoil what could be a nice place, and most people on hear are ment to be responsable firearms owners!!!
  8. Just the job! i do light the green stock seems like the pred 8 and 1500 are a good combo just cant decide on scope!!!
  9. yeah im pretty set on the rifle now tried a couple including a remi and the howa strikes me as a solid quality rifle and always been swayed towards the wildcat mod! so its just the scope to sort.
  10. Thanks for the advice so far guys! gonna have to continue the research! lol keep it coming!
  11. thats a tidy some of money What is the reticule pattern(crosshair)?
  12. I use a Howa 1500, stainless, with synthetic stock, fitted fith a Meopta Artemis 2100 3-12x50 I.R scope, and Wildcat Predator 8 mod. I use 80gr psp factory ammo on both Foxes and Roe. I think it's a brilliant set up . Ahh sorted thats just the set up and use i am going for... as i said in an earlier post do you not rate ziess or leupold?(to a differnt member ) if not why?
  13. would you not rate a ziess or leupold for that sort of money though? get a very nice secondhand one for that price.
  14. Just out of interest what do you make of the bushnell scopes for the money??
  15. lol anwser is hook it up to the starter directly to a battery with your jump leads if it spins its a wiring/ earthing fault if not then get a new/ secondhand starter
  16. if you can afford it go for a landy most things will be pricey due to your age! and i assume you have a budget to buy the 4x4?
  17. As the title says whats your prefernce of .243? whats your choice of Scope and Mod to go with it? looking at a Howa 1500 synth stock and stainless barrel.. opinions (no idiotic comments just usefull info)
  18. Here you go http://www.foxtrap.co.uk/ourshop/prod_492987-25-x-FOX-SNARES-CARRIAGE-pound750.html
  19. was what you said and thats not my point ive learnt the hard way in training by doing it all wrong and spoiling what could have been a really handy dog, ive moved on and learnt from my mistakes not the dogs and have seen some really good progress in the ability of my dogs though a better understanding of how to bring out there ability. Ok mate i did read your first post slightly wrong, hold my hands up. But you did say if it brings a shoe to you then replace it with a toy. Then what is the dog to do with the toy? Not looking for an arguemenet here just interested in different ways off trai
  20. yeah if you do that when its a pup you will encourage good retrieving behavier then when in the kennel at 6 months or so you have the basics laid out.. once in the kennel build a narrow long run in your training area (garden) and throw a dummy to one end call pup to you and as it has nowhere to get distracted will learn to come to you straight away. Do this little and often for a month or so letting them have a scamper inbetween each lesson keep it fun at all times. then expand the run then within a few months disregard the run and you yet again have used a stepping stone to good obediance
  21. was what you said and thats not my point ive learnt the hard way in training by doing it all wrong and spoiling what could have been a really handy dog, ive moved on and learnt from my mistakes not the dogs and have seen some really good progress in the ability of my dogs though a better understanding of how to bring out there ability.
  22. didnt say leave it i said get it back to you asap calmly.... Just cos my status is newbie doesnt mean i dont know anything. tell a retriever off for retrieving and you get what....
  23. someone has said scald it for chewing! NEVER do this. of you see it chewing something important never loose your temper distract it with something they are allowed to punishing a dog at an early age for doing sonething nateral will more than likely spoils its natural ability in later life! an example is if it picks up and wanders round with a shoe dont loose it encourage it to you praise it when it does come no matter how long it takes and replace with a toy if you do it by telling it off when you want it to retrieve a bird to hand would you think it will after you spent a year or so telli
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