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louise croucher

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Everything posted by louise croucher

  1. that will be it layed up till the hunting seasons done and the showing starts again got asked to add this for a mate they were all shot and retrieved on permission look,s like it does a bit more than just the show,s won the scottish championship and 4th in the british championship aswelldoes more than enough for the owner only has to please him looks and the gift, well done
  2. thank you so much for sending me the picture of spirite winning at the peterborough show, over the moon with them, lovely show had a great day, thank you again. lou
  3. i was happy, i had a good day, i know solos in fit conditions, and was proud of my young black bitch winning the open show, thank you
  4. sory that wasnt aimed at you, they can do both, whos to say they cant
  5. I dont claim to be a pest controler, the bitch that i won with on saturday can and does work, there was some quality dogs in the championship any one of them could have won, and to say roley dosnt work his dogs is completly wrong,
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