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Everything posted by asanley

  1. I can just hear Craigy shouting .......Stewie you deluded scouse kunt , not a lamping competition with all the fekin hassle it brings , what about a photography competition , or something similar ,nice idea but keep it simple you silly bottom of the league scouse kunt ....
  2. ffs thats sad sad news ,love to all his familey .
  3. Isn,t it time to stop picking on the lad and give him some helpful , constructive advise ? I,ll start ... GROW UP YOU SILLY LITTLE SCROTE !!!!
  4. 28 was off the top of my head , now I,v had time to think about it it,s 342 .
  5. I,d like to have a move around with Gnasher to learn a bit , if he promised to take it easy. but if you mean who would you like to beat up , then there are 28 members past and present I,d like to punch for half an hour .
  6. coming home with a bag of rabbits lyk [bANNED TEXT] he went out to do We all go out with the intention of catching a bag of rabbits , it dosn,t always happen ,that shouldn,t mean that there is nothing to enjoy on blank days or nights. live in the moment , enjoy life , stay happy .ATB
  7. I,ll pm you his number when I get in later .
  8. Don,t worry about catching loads mate , you spent an hour in the countryside with your dog whats not to enjoy . ATB
  9. He,s there all the time mate , he runs the track now.
  10. I,v never owned a dog that dosn,t play up a bit at that age , persevere with her , it,s a passing phase .
  11. It,s great that the truth is finally out , I,m pleased for the families especially , and the city as a whole . After all the hard work , blood , sweat and tears put in by the those involved in the campaign it would be a shame to spoil it by all and sundry getting triumphant about it , becoming instant experts and demanding the heads of every one who happened to be in some sort of uniform on the day . Thankfully the truth is now out there , but there are no winners and it dosn,t automatically turn every Liverpool supporter into a saint ,Trevor Hicks and the rest of the families thought
  12. Great start to the season , well done chaps . but please use the gold topped gate in future .
  13. I never thought I,d miss being called a ...deluded scouse kunt .... god willing he will be o.k
  14. For 23 years the families have been told to move on , to get over it , to let it lie . like they had a choice to stop fighting for the truth , they didn,t want to give 23 years of thier lifes to find out why thier sons and daughters died going to a football match , today vindicates that decision not to give in . THE TRUTH AT LAST
  15. Positive news , its a scary time for his family , but he,s too bloody minded to make anything other than a quick and complete recovery .ATB Craigy .
  16. Ihope he gets well soon , seems a decent sensible fella , all the best to Craig and his familey .
  17. mmmmmmm your spelling and grammar are awful . you talk shite ,your a self appointed guru on all things hunting ..........welcome back Whin .
  18. Thats a shame , I enjoyed her posts and as said she seemed a decent person .
  19. I,m not really into coursing , but this is a nice interesting topic about a man and his contempories who helped take the sport to a whole new level , I am really enjoying it ,thanks to all who have contributed .
  20. No it,s not true , you will probably end up with a mixed litter .
  21. Whats the names of the dogs in this pic ? That Black dog looks massive, or the guys short ? Whats its name ? yes belonged to bg he was a big dog the kind of guy willie was if he liked you he like you and if he dident he tell you great sports man ps i could not lift my arm after holding that big black dog of bg s strong and fast dog him could run a hare The black dog was called Jack .
  22. Location ........Fife Species..........The ginger coated Lab bummer Weapon.........A handful of dead pheasants MAKE IT HAPPEN
  23. The woman was genuinly sorry , apart from a fright your dog is thankfully o.k ,theres only heresay to go on that it,s happened before , have a word with the woman and her son , tell them you,v heard it happened previously and you dont want to see the dog off it,s leash again , you say you know the woman , try to educate her about the dangers and how she avoid them .ATB
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