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Everything posted by asanley

  1. Baw , you fooking philistine ,get yourself a whippet ,enjoy the poetry and beauty a decent whippet will bring to your life , stand back in amazment while the little warrior does his thing efficiently , but with style and grace , enjoy your evenings by the fireside with a loyal , non demanding friend , watch a whippet in full flight , determined , but flowing like running water , elegant as a ballet dancer , and tell me you,v seen a finer sight in the field .
  2. Theres never any debate when the true greats are mentioned .
  3. If I were you , I would take a good hard look at myself , as head of your household it is up to you to provide and keep safe YOUR family , because you,v read a few books and have formed some half baked , ill thought out philosophy that suits your own personal sense of entitlement , thats no excuse for putting your family through all thats happened , get you priorities right , look after your family , keep them safe , warm ,clothed ,fed and loved ,and leave all the chief Joseph stuff to people who haven,t got families relying on them .
  4. Memoirs of a hunter ...Fredrick Remmler ...classic !
  5. Good news ....tomorrow you will watch a team play football the proper way , in the finest old West Ham tradition they will pass and move in a skillful unhurried way , there will be touches of class and a display that will please the eye of any football lover Bad news .....that team will be Liverpool. Good news ....we can,t score , so you will still get a slam bam 2..0. win.
  6. Are the rules different in Ireland ?a 14 yr old fighting men in thier 20s ? Who were you fighting when you were 15 , Klitchko ?
  7. Well done the celts , the knockout stages anything is possible with good organisation , good team spirit and a touch of luck . Jock Stien ...proper MAN ....absolutly no question about his integrity .
  8. Killing horses for revenge !!!!! I,m not sure I want to be on a site with these people.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. scothunter
    3. chris k

      chris k

      these horses must be good to break into kennels and nick dogs

    4. GrCh


      lab-tastic said "if my dogs when missing I'd be-head one of their horses".

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. I bet the ones Cyril Smith bummed are walking round today with the nickname Pancake .
  10. Right chaps , what are we getting the mods for christmas ? I think it should be something to show our appreciation for all thier hard work and dedication .
  11. a fight night fo charity???? get a grip Took the words right out of my mouth. Lets not pretend you were thinking of ways to raise money for charity and came up with this , some knobheads have pissed you off by getting brave on the internet and you want to give them a slap , fair enough , but I promise you they wont show themselves on this thread , all this will do is encourage all the other chestbeaters .
  12. Just when I thought there was hope for this place , after the Craigyboy efforts . along comes a pile of crap like this .
  13. Everybody in the whole world knows that vets are dirty .robbing , money hungry cnts , so to go to one for stuff that is so easily done at home , is like bending over in front of Lab wearing a mini kilt ..............your going to get FUKED
  14. i owned a whippetxstaff that had to be seen to be believed , never seen or owned better , a really intense dog thatjust wouldn,t stop.
  15. After making a very brave attempt to stop a stolen combine , he is now a haybale and therefore offline .
  16. I just follow two simple steps to a delicious meal step 1....slap wife on arse step2...tell her I,m hungry
  17. FFS Wilf , get off the fence and say what you think .
  18. How is your sore throat Lab ? please take care of yourself ,all my love . xxxxxx

    1. Lab


      Thanks again!! Could you send some sprinkles with it please...:-)

    2. asanley


      oh I,ll sprinkle all over it , don,t worry about that

    3. Lab


      Should help the throat if anything.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Interesting , my old man , a WW2 vet , always reckoned that people who wore poppies were tight b*****ds , and only wore them so they wouldn,t be asked for another donation .
  20. asanley

    Come on Celtic!

    Lab , promise me you wont shout and cheer too much with that sore throat , I don,t want to be worrying about you , so go on promise me /
  21. kin hell ! 5/1 on a 9..0 prediction , your meaner than Kenwright ,Gnash will have a minor heart attack wnen he sees that !
  22. Thier team is full of overpaid has beens , just because a russian gangster throws money at them dosn,t mean they are any good, fcuk it .....double digits .
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