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Everything posted by Lennard

  1. From Jan 25 till 30 the jagd & Hund "gamefair" takes place in Dortmund, Germany. Big thing with lots of stands...good opportunity to ask for coursing possibilities in Eastern Europe and such...anyone planning to go? L.
  2. Recently I've seen a majority of pure salukis (say 15 out of 18) come back to the owner after a course. Made me loose my prejudice towards salukis. Obedience seems to better with age too. L. * it IS A REALLY GOOD THING that they don't use their nose much. The nose generates the disobedience in my case.
  3. I guess when I was walking there to lamp and saw the hare I would be the first to slip and forget about daytime sport... L
  4. Nice dogs, sweet bunch alltogether, a man has to eat, but a pity of the daytime sport these might have been L
  5. Bull Ibizan cross? maybe usefull but not as tested and thus as "predictable" as the grey-bull crosses with which people have lots of experience and that are probably available. If you breed the cross and keep one, what about the other say 6 or 8 puppies left (my ibizan has 10 "tits", they get big nests). Secure friends long before who want an utterly fast furry dog that opens up and uses its nose when the quarry is lost. L
  6. Hi Sean, A proper size ibizan will tackle deer*, no need to cross it with deerhound. Only thing is entering it. You'll need fresh deer carcasses regularly to give it a grip as a pup maybe. You need older dogs that do catch and owners that allow you to run your yearling with their dogs. Remember that ibizan's probably will open up. If you want a sure catch dog I'd say you go for greyhound-bull cross. L * small deer, I must add. What deer do you have over there? Whitetail?
  7. Lennard

    How Many?

    I have one and probably get a young one in a couple of years. In my circumstances (hunting with dogs illegal, small fields) a relative obedient dog saves a lot of stress. And to get it you need time one on one. Depends what you want and how much time you have I guess. It helps when your spouse is just as obedient
  8. dear all, does anyone know a book store in London that has a decent stock of field sport books? regards, L
  9. wow! that is what I would call an ideal dog if it also catches! what's the breeding? L.
  10. exotic anti-parasite dip? area colour codes? the only colour combi your camera doesn't take and fills it in?
  11. Thanks Leveller, seen the vids already. Great, sound of these dogs "arouses"!, Long time since I heared that, brings back memories of armadillo hunting with dogs in the tropics. But...still looking for anyone that uses running hounds next to the beagles or uses running hounds for anything in the NH area. The law looks good, hound hunts for bear coyote and hare no problem. Big chance it won't be a problem using catch hounds instead of the whole arsenal of guns that is normal there. There's a forum of course, beagleboard, but as usual I can't get on (cookies?). L.
  12. New Hampshire and other places have a lot of small scale beagling going on on snowshoe hares. No problem hunting with scent hounds there, at least in combination with firearms. " a beagle with whippet or lucher pack should be interesting " Is there someone on this board who has experience with beagles\snowshoe hares or can point towards links of interest in this matter? regards, L.
  13. Did the greys completely replace the red ones or do you see them still?
  14. I do hope that licensing is pushed through when the alternative would be a complete ban. But unclear is to me whether the law is the same for all forms of hound use, as they wanted to phase out foxhunting over 2 years but "do coursing in" right away. Anyone knows? L.
  15. Neat. Still wonder...were any special tactics used, did the young uns drive it out or do you live in an area with an abundance of naive deer that wait untill you're within 40 yards? L.
  16. Lennard

    The Internet

    ...cruelty exposed... It completely destroyed my mental image of the main moderator of this board: a man in his 50ties dressed up in tweed, with a greying millitary moustache to support his weathered but dignified looks. Is it legal to put up pics of people? Interesting that the people who are so against blood sports HAVE to push their ethical choice upon others. For some reason emotions seem to rise higher on the hunting issue than on abortion or the current war. They should implant a microchip in all the anti's that would block access to the internet if they eat meat or watch Dis
  17. is it my connection or is the CA website down the last 2 days? L.
  18. Dear All, Late May an interesting and recommendable book came out, carrying the same title as this topic. In Dutch so that may pose a problem but there might be a translation coming. First part of the book is a new translation of the old Arrian text (about 120 BC), the Cynegeticus, on coursing and keeping hounds and related issues like canine health\whelping. Detail: the romans got their hounds from the contact with the Celts, before that they only had scent hounds, according to Arrian. Second part is a short history of coursing with lots of greek\roman literature refs... Third
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