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Everything posted by Lennard

  1. 10 months is a difficult age. It is also old enough to be ruined for soft training. Once a dog has learned it can hunt up for itself you are in a nasty situation. A young dog that has a high prey drive should as much as possible be prevented from the opportunity to hunt up. My dogs do not see any game in front of them until they are say 2 years old and past their annoying phase. I do my utmost to make the first kill as easy as possible, so that there is no need to hunt up in excitement. The dog should kill and parade/rag with the kill before being leashed and very much praised. With
  2. L.S., As far as I know my best options to catch live rabbits are ferreting and longnetting. Both are difficult in the situation I am in. Are there other options to catch rabbits alive and unharmed? Do cage traps have any use for rabbits? Could I snare them alive? Thanks in advance, Lennard
  3. Ah...I see the problem. But it is not about dogs but about semantics of people that deal with dogs. Not a problem for you or me if they want to call something by a different name. Unless you have to discuss classification with these people. For me things are easy. During my college years (biology) we had 2 types of students in animal systematics. The splitters, who want to see diversity in nature, and the lumpers, who want to see unity in nature. Splitters and lumpers are looking at the same thing but see it different and most will not overcome their interests. The big question is, what i
  4. I don't get the question. What does recognise mean outside the conformation standards of kennel club institutions? A small grew with thick muscles is a sprinter, for small game in places wiht a lot of cover mainly. A big boney sloogi type is a long distance dog, for game in more open places. L
  5. Walking is slow and boring in the same environment day after day. Car to walk somewhere else costs gas and ends up in heavy traffic in the morning and is still boring if I want to stay close to home. So almost every day I bike my dogs 3-8 miles in the morning, have them off leash to play or loose after game in the fall. Keeps me fit too. And dogs nails short as most distance is covered on tarmac or concrete. L
  6. Galgo just turned 5 years old. Still a pleasure to own apart from his fighting with other dogs and threathning of "strangers" that come into my place. This winter he didn't get me much, we did not really go out as we had thick snow covering the place and a wave of mixy in fall for the rabbits. gr L
  7. Nah Ik dacht dat jakhals legaal was in SA en hazen/bokken illegaal? I am not into predator hunting either. My dogs are fine, I spend time to keep the old one fit and bring the young one on. Real rabbit/hare work has stopped, spring is coming and the hares are mating. Are your boerwindhonde totally not good at hunting? Don't they stay without injuries better than the track greys? groeten Lennard
  8. My old dog died at my parents of pyrometra when I was on vacation. My younger dog was there the whole time and saw my old dog turn from alive to a smelly corpse. I expected to see some sort of grief but I hardly saw any emotion, he just continued behaving like he always does. No searching, whining or anything really. No problem with being alone. He got closer to the cats but he was close with them anyway. My girlfriend and me stopped using the name of the dead dog completely, always refering to F or the "old one". L
  9. Thanks! I do not bet on a cat's life encountered in a field but the house cats are OK. Old steady cats teach young dogs to behave and vice versa.
  10. Ach racen...je moet gewoon jakhalse pakken met jou hond dat is veel mooier gr, L
  11. Last August my old bitch died and since then I have been looking ( not too hard) for her replacement. I saw a young bitch on the internet at a rescue and by pure coincedence the rescue was also looking for me. Apparantly I regularly met one of the foster home mums, who I told that I was looking for a whippet/whip cross, who months later got the bitch I was interested in. Nice coincedence. 6 month old bitch now called Lizzy was a present to someone who was too busy to do anything with here and went to a rescue from there. She is not damaged or scared just uneducated. She comes on like a tr
  12. Occasionally there are attempts to get running dogs classified as "legal method" again. Bowhunting is legal, scent houds are legal so why not running dogs... Des extraits du lien ci-dessus : "L'article 12 bis a été supprimé par l'Assemblée nationale. Mais, par amendement n° 31, Mme Heinis, au nom de la commission, propose de le rétablir dans la rédaction suivante : « Dans le temps où la chasse est ouverte, le permis de chasser donne en outre à celui qui l'a obtenu le droit de chasser de jour avec des lévriers. « Ce droit de chasser s'exerce dans le cadre d'un plan de ges
  13. Running dog work (chasse a vue) has been illegal since a long time. France has a strong shooting culture with a lot of keepers and monitoring of game. People who do run their dogs either have private land, good friends with acces to land or just take the higher risk involved. L
  14. Get yourself a dog form parents that do what you want the dog for. Then probably the genetics are there...and it is up to you to get it trained and conditioned for its job. The definition of what it exactly is is not important. L
  15. Defo not a tick, there is nothing arthropod about the fleshy structure we see. It is a wart of sorts, the vets can easily remove it. L
  16. Silken hounds (check with google) excist these days and they are kind of a construct breed of whippet and borsoi. They look like miniature borsoi. Very attractive and what from what I have seen of them, they can run and have a prey drive. With proper education they should be able to catch small game no problem. Only, these hounds are pretty expensive and waiting lists excist. I would like to have one too. The idea that after paying a big sum of money and waiting for months to years a dog of this kind smashes itself up in an accident keeps me from purchasing one, I would be over-carefull ma
  17. Nice topic. As far as I know the Saxons who lived here (Netherlands) and in Germany were swamp/forest people without running dogs. These people, we call the saxon tribe Britten in Dutch, moved to the UK islands around 1500 -600 BC. After them, around the year 0, the Celts moved in (maybe displaced the Britten). The Celts for sure had running dogs and horses as they decended from people from the plains between Hungary and India where both dogs and horses are useful/domesticated. The Celts expanded into Europe and France around the year 0 to 300 AD. At that time the Romans also expanded and
  18. Here, Southwest and middle Holland we had some good population build up and I saw more now than in say 2004. But in my main areas they're crashing due to mixy. My veterinary neighbour also sees a wave of mixy, his first, as people bring in diseased rabbits from the field and also house pets. Maybe a harsh winter will freeze the flee/mosquito vector of mixy...and was the harsh last winter the reason for the high number present this year? L
  19. Nice dog at 10 months. I really like the dam, high in the hips and this terrier look on her face. I bet she can run. L
  20. Don't do it unless you want to do a lot of training. I had one for 13 years. In a way it was a very fast and athletic beagle. Uses nose and makes noise. Is normally used in packs. In their native countries you see hunters that get them relatively obedient though. In the sense that they release them in an area and the dogs bring them what they catch. Not good for slip-run-come back work. But for ferreting I can see a use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYQ9y_tm_8&feature=related Also...is the pharao you could use working? If it is a show dog, not bred to hunt or to be obedient fo
  21. Get him as obedient as the 2 of you together can be. And then take your pup to easy rabbits, mixy or squatters that will give him a good chance of a kill to boost confidence and prevent yapping. Keep your fingers crossed for obedience staying good, don't let the dog hunt up on itself if you don't want it to later on. If it has caught something praise its ass off and leash it. It has to figure out that returning to you does not mean the fun is over. Maybe team up with someone who has a working whippet or lurcher and go out together, big chance the young dog will copy the behaviour of the experi
  22. Outside is a bad idea master. We like it just the way it is...
  23. Yeah I forgot to mention I have something similar as described in that topic. Heavy small relatively expensive (good gift) black casing with a hard long white beam. I like it. It works nicely at 20-40 m or so. The beam could be a little broader maybe and it should have a switch on the flank instead of on the top end. L
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