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Everything posted by Lennard

  1. "Lucky, I don't think it will upset anyone because you got him laid out in a respectful manner with his brush combed real nice" Normally I don't respond in treads like this but I just had to laugh too hard! Well done guys! L. edited: I am still laughing
  2. Lennard


    hmm tapeworm cysts (of Taenia) are small...0.25-0.5 inch but I don't know too much about tapeworm/sheep. irregular shaped "balls" in the stomach sounds like "bezoar" or whatever it is called in English...fiber or other material sticking together and turning into a kind of solid "stone" like thing. ? L.
  3. There is something called the "hygiene hypotheses" that says that an immune system challenged at early age by pathogens/worms is less apt to auto-immune disease like allergies. Till quite recent human population (in the West here) dynamics were influenced a lot by a high birth rate and a lot of dying of disease. If antibiotics and hygiene weren't around we would be dying like mixy rabbits at times. So as I see it we have to allow kids to get dirty and adults can be a lot dirtier too...maybe fends of the allergies and cuts costs on soap...while trying to keep real pathogens from leprac
  4. Patience and determination. Be real patient and on top of the pup as much time as possible so you can spot body language and than carry it outside. If the pup is real young it will pee from exitement and such but then patience again the bladder is real small and the metabolism real fast. I never used a bench but I have the "luxury" of not having to work this summer so I could go out at least 10 times a day and still clean some pee in the first 5 weeks. But now my dog is 6 months and it has got the idea that peeing must be done outside...it will stand typically or go to the front door and
  5. Hardest quarry...armadillo...track them with hounds at night and when one has been stopped it digs in and only exposes the hard armour. You have to grab it by the tail and kind of turn it or finish it with a machete. Makes good eating. L.
  6. thanks again Molly, If it is a symptom of heath which it seems to be for my bitch I think it is strange that nobody else experiences the same with their bitches...oh well it keeps being nature I guess and my bitch is one of a kind L.
  7. dear dog owners, My 6 month old dog has only one and I was wondering at what age to expect the second to come out... cheers, L.
  8. thanks Molly, I'll keep an eye on red eyes of human females...but most women close to me are on some kind of hormonal birthcontrol and only have red eyes through lenses or smoking L.
  9. thanks jawbone! you're right... I've been looking for it as a kid and forgot about it...and now it is on the internet! http://www.timetravelreviews.com/shorts/so...nder_short.html L.
  10. Over 15 years ago I read a short SF story on a guy who books a guided dinosaur (T-rex) hunt through an outfitter who has a time machine. The outfitter follows several dinosaurs to determine the natural time of death which can then be shot shortly before that time (they don't want to mess up evolution by creating an "unnatural" cause of death). All goes well, guy goes to the Jurrasic and shoots his T-rex but also steps from the path killing some other animals and by doing so he does mess up evolution. Anyone read this and knows who wrote that? L.
  11. Quite some time after the original post...my bitch has been in heath again. And the white of here eyes was again definately more red during heath than when she is not...so I kind of rule out allergies or other factors. L
  12. I've got a brindle dog "by accident"...at first I didn't like it but there is no good horse with a bad colour...in a way it is pretty camouflaged too. Off topic a bit...your words made me curious Eggy...in Spain one sees a lot of brindle galgo and I've seen a number of brindle marrocan sloughi...these guys don't have terriers to cross with...so the brindle in these parts might be from a different origin. Thinking about it, I've seen brindles in western (Marroco to Europe) sighthounds but never a brindle saluki/tazi and their gene pool with all the colours should be big enough to have brin
  13. Welcome aboard I'd say. L.
  14. Now are the days it should be there, what we call sea spark in Dutch, light emitting green algae that give the beach and your footsteps a green glow in the dark. Anyone seen that in the current heath wave? Thing is I've seen it a couple of times in my life and it is really spectacular to me (swimming in it) and I know it is there during heath waves in July and August but not every year. I cannot find any info on how it is related to the wind and the tide so I can't predict if it is there to go to the beach. I went 2 weeks ago, it was hot but a cool wind came from sea and it wasn't there.
  15. Used the word "type" as the pup doesn't have a pedigree, his mom is a roughcoated galgo, kind of a hairy greyhound/sloughi dog. Father is unknown but defo another galgo/grey type, looking at him and his sisters. Black&white bitch is not so pure podenco... L.
  16. 5 month old "spanish field grey"...pup out of confiscated gipsie brood bitch that proved to be pregnant. He and his sisters are all typey dogs with long tails to the ground...high hopes for the guy
  17. hey Molly...I was saving words...he "poos" about 3 times... :11: L
  18. Thanks for the replies, Thing is he's living in the house, no big run or littermates to play with, only my grumpy bitch who kind of ignores him. I'm getting him used to daily routine, cars trains busses shops kids etc. He walks really well but I don't want to strain his muscle/bones by taking him to far but I also want him to burn of his energy...so I have to know the point where his system has had enough. Currently I let him pee when I get up at 7, feed him, he has this half hour of barking and biting frenzy, pee again, sleep couple of hours and then a 2 miles walk mostly of lea
  19. The question of how much exercise a young dog can take has been brought up before but I can't find it in the archives... So I ask again...how much exercise would be healthy for a greyhound of 4 months? How would the racing trainers build up excercise in the first year? cheers, L
  20. Looks real...but why wouldn't a deer use its antlers? http://www.killsometime.com/video/video.asp?ID=479 L
  21. I wouldn't bother try to smother them with something and our stump fingers aren't a very handy tool to remove ticks. Buy one of these plastic tick remover tweezers at a pharmacy or vet. They work real well, fit snuggly over the head of the tick with an open space for the body of it. This way you can turn the tick out of the skin by its head without pressing the gut content out of the body. cheers, L
  22. Update... Bill suspended for this season! If you scroll down on the page http://www.stop2110.org/ you can listen to an mp3 of the hearing.
  23. Nice site for those that like ibizan hounds...there is more to Ibiza than techno and beaches... The language used is the archaic italo-spanish they speak there...just clic on Fotos... the Mallorca 2005 section contains real nice pics on how they use their hounds... http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/po...a/pages/cat.htm cheers, L
  24. Yep...sound like you had salmonella...if you're susceptible to it and your hands are contaminated by handling raw chicken... Classic way to get salmonella is barbecue and beer...raw chicken itself or contaminating other foods and then flushed into your bowels with cold beer...normally your stomach acid offers some protection but it gets diluted and cooled by the beer. cheers, L
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