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Everything posted by Lennard

  1. there a quite some pics of these hairy beasts on the forum...the search function will reveal them
  2. I think it is illegal just as in the rest of Africa (mainly French law) but just as everywhere else the locals do it. I would just ask around in farmers pubs in jackal country. L.
  3. L.S., The other day I was in the train with my dogs and got into a conversation with a couple of South Africans visiting this place. They said that farmers ("bauer") are running jackals with greyhound type dogs. With the British and Dutch heritage down there it seems natural. Anyone any info? L.
  4. Nice for flushing rabbits for guns or freestyle mooching, otherwise not recommended for lurcher work. Check my older posts for links to working ibizans... L.
  5. It's a good and a bad thing...my dog started to catch ducks at night. I have a plastic bag with me always now :whistle: . I love watching the stalking technique but I don't like to waist them...I'm not too fond of cleaning and plucking ducks (yep...the urban ducks don't taste great and they are tough too). L
  6. Dear all, What would be an alternative for a Sparrowhawk if you want sport with say blackbirds, starlings, jacks and magpies in woody and park like landscape? Its is illegal to keep or even transport native birds of prey in captivity in this country, apart from gos and peregrine for which you need 1 of the 200 available falconer licenses. Sparrowhawks are pretty common here so I could find, raise and train one but I can never handle the bird in comfort. I would sink through the ground if I had it confiscated. What would be a non-west-european species that one can find at breeders in
  7. For the internationals...what do you mean with "boxing"? L.
  8. No. No whippets here and I never lived in the UK. L.
  9. They had a shorter slip...60 yards or so? And the normal rules of the national coursing club were valid... check out the website of the NCC... L.
  10. "Nice" clip from Argentine I think. Native cowboy dog work. Harsh and graphic, I think outside a lot of people's hunting ethics, don't watch it when you have strong principles on quick and clean... L.
  11. A sound not too big grey that has been well trained from pup and that has a lot of field experience, knows how to handle barbed wire, hedges, rough ground and steady with sheep and all can be the most useful dog you ever own I think. L.
  12. Thats them. Class pics, Midnight Walker! L.
  13. Spaniards are pretty "harsh" ...they hang both galgos and podencos at times. In some places more than others and not all Spaniards do that. There is more dog hanging and dog strangling culture around the world...there are even standard dog strangling knots... L.
  14. This vid is pretty typical for how podencos are used... L.
  15. All the rocky mediterranean islands, the Canarys and mainland Spain have a "podenco". Several sizes excist according to what people want them for. Tough dogs for day/night rabbits mostly or flushing bigger game for guns. Traditional use is in packs. They use their nose and give loud. IMO not good for lamping. Check out older posts by me for a link to pictures from Ibiza. L.
  16. It might drop still. When it doesn't...in the past people would have it removed always but nowadays they leave it in. Depends on the vet. Some sources refer that a internal testicle might be cancer prone but other sources say it doesn't matter. I've never seen a real study. " a dog doesn't catch hares with its balls" ...I wouldn't worry about it. L.
  17. The feet look pretty normal for saluki types. I wouldn't worry much. L.
  18. Daytime tennisball game followed by lamped tennisball game...or other object that turns on your pup. L.
  19. You have to take the chance I'd say. I would use a show saluki for a longdog, hoping that the century of breeding for show has minimal effect on the overall saluki fysiology...and I would be cross-breeding anyway. I wouldn't use any saluki though but look for a really good mover with good feet...perhaps there is some racing or lure coursing around? Problem might be that the saluki owners might not cooperate for a mating. If it is the really petty show scene they're probably against outcrossing let alone using the dogs for hunting...but you might be lucky. I would love to read future po
  20. Someone on this forum wrote once: "a dog doesn't catch hares with its testicles"...it seems that dogs loose vigour when you castrate them but they might still catch anyway? For bitches I don't think a well done castration is a problem, it might even be a plus as her performance will not be affected by heath or worse false pregnancy. L.
  21. Thats how I like them. Whats she like temperament wise Haredogs? L.
  22. For the foreign crowd... jackin'= opening up or giving up? L
  23. Just for the record. Black & white bitch is in heath again. Different surroundings again. Eyes are pretty red but not really conspicuous. L.
  24. My skinny types are fed twice a day always. L.
  25. Analytical laboratory for farmaceuticals currently (I am population biologist who got lost).
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