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Everything posted by Lennard

  1. Old pic from a spanish rescue...this is supposed to a saluki galgo cross...
  2. I'm with Potstillgold...France has boar packs that do have "close contact" but a firearm is compulsory...Spain is your best pick...but maybe forget Spain and fly cheaply to TX/FL or New Zealand L
  3. Hare dog that can catch foxes on occasion. L
  4. One doesn't need a tazer...to fend of nasty little dogs I would carry one of those electonic fly zappers...just touch the nose...it will never kill or damage but it might be an effective deterent for sure. Put your own nose to it to try it if you don't beleive it... L
  5. L.S., I get to see more and more eyes at night...but I have a hard time to tell to who the eyes belong too far away... Hare is kind of bright yellow. Rabbit is more orange/red. Is this right? What colour do fox eyes reflect? And roe? cheers, L
  6. One can use diclofenac...both my mom and her dog had that prescribed. I don't remember the dose but thats should be on the net...Care of the racing and retired greyhound will have data on it but unfortunatly I am at work... L
  7. In some places people cross bred husky and greyhound for competitive dog sled racing...prolly you will find pictures on the net...I don't think they are usefull dogs outside the cold, they are hairy and cannot cool like running dogs... L
  8. Burn the energy off by a long bike ride or so and then go for an easy rabbit..the quarter has to fall that coming close to you or at least stopping will not mean the end of the fun but that you will give her more fun... L
  9. Seeing my dogs run whatever there is to run, day or night, have a catch and go home without any significant damage to the dogs... L
  10. I don't know...you can't tell from the "racial equation" if a dog is going to be good...when the parents do the job you have a good chance that the offspring will do it as well...when you are lucky that you can get a pup with good genes it is up to you...I would go for pure saluki or mainly saluki but there are good and bad salukis out there...I wouldn't say no to a good greyhound either...you have to see what comes up... L
  11. Oi Countryboy, If I were in CA/NM and had an interest in daytime jackrabbit I would go for a saluki cross, or pure galgo...there are some good dogs around there, you have to ask around for pups...the daytime desert types will catch you cottontails too but they are a bit big for large numbers... L
  12. Sport...sport... The dogs are doing what they do and the bloke enjoys it and has a hare. This is Chile, FAR away from the UK...they don't have lurchers or competitive coursing...big chance that all they have is some greyhounds for the track. Hares were introduced there... I think it is great that it happens over there...maybe they start breeding coursing types from their race types . Stay with your rabbits and rats...they're legal Oh yeah...the first vid is even more exotic...it is Chinese or otherwise cold asia...(shikar)
  13. Hey Linda (and Daisy), Nice to have a lurcher up in AK! What people mostly do with lurchers is run game without firearms...either by day or with aid of artificial light by night. When the prey drive is there the dog is supposed to catch and maybe retrieve the game all by itself. It is simpler than all the moves and commands with a gundog...you only need prey drive, speed and a "good" recall. Training a running dog is a combination of "stimulating" the prey drive and doing basic obedience. If you purchase a Small game licence you can go after rabbits/racoons/fox.snowshoe hares and
  14. Well...if you want to catch hares...and I think this is in Chile! Brown hare was introduced and does it well...long live the new world. L.
  15. The Belgian and Dutch sheperds are popular here (Netherlands) as police dogs, we even export them with British officers having to learn dutch commands We do not generally have lurchers here but when people want one they tend to cross belgian sheperd with greyhound... L
  16. Hey SJM, How much time did you spend getting up 9 hares? We don't have them here and I am curious at what densities they come? They look pretty different form brown hares. L
  17. There are some good salukis out there...looks are variable...and if the dog and master trained eachother well they will respond and come back...some people have imported native "salukis" but often they will/may not hunt them... check out the newsletter of desertbred.org for some native hounds... Ha Steve, hoe meer landgenoten hoe beter...welke lijn saluki heeft U? L
  18. L.S., Yesterday I was for a quick mooch at my normal spot in the later hours of the evening. Normally one sees rabbits when entering the terrain and on the fields next to the restaurant and next to the containers...but now there were ZERO...everybody was gone... The weather wasn't much worse than last week...maybe a bit more wind... The Lord forbid twice that I have spread a disease to there...but then I would have seen more remains in the daytime I think...and nobody can shoot a place empty I think, next that it is illegal... Do you ever have that with your terrains? L
  19. Sounds like good sport...don't worry about the first chase, the dogs have to learn too...it would be good for them if you had some "easy" rabbits (diseased, ferreted) to boost confidence...keep taking them out and enjoy! L
  20. Ditch Shitter...you are a hell of an eloquent man...hats off! L
  21. IMO for daytime mooching or pig work in a big country maybe...but I would not want a lamping dog that has a disobedient side and stamina with a lot of nose...maybe if it is trained really well... L
  22. That is one beautiful hound...good that you can use it too...welcome on here! L
  23. Hoi Fliegerabwehrkanone? Een paar mensen van het continent erbij kan nooit kwaad...welkom hier! L
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