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Everything posted by slip.that.dog.

  1. mate empty your inbox or inbox me a number please. genuine intrest for both dogs can pick up today
  2. Has anyone got or know of a terrier locator for sale. Would be very grateful for any information. S.T.B
  3. i dislocated my eyebrow. any chance of a hand or two
  4. how ever much you ''think'' the dog is worth
  5. before you all start ripping in to this topic, or slandering the posts . im just looking for a working dog not arguments . thanks ! so im looking for a earthdog , i know they are very hard to come by , specially this time of year & even any time of the year as no one parts with a golden dog. but im just dropping this post incase there is some decent dog boys packing in etc. an may have one to part with for the correct price . so if you know of anyone, a mates mate or anything , i would be very gratefull for information. drop me a pm if you could thanks . goodluck with the remain
  6. you sound like a fekking idiot . 30 years? surely youd have enough freinds, willing to pass a terrier on to such a well experienced terrier man ! your a joke ...but thats just my oppinion
  7. give the man a brake hes a genuine guy , with genuine intrests for the pupps. hes more concerned about working hard decnt homes than earning a fast buck , that tells you alot about him , unlike some of the money grabbing scheeming F**KS on here ! pups look amazing mate .
  8. i like it . big dog to a big heart eyy , i hope my pup pre froms to the same standard !
  9. i like your way of thinking '' GAFFER '' i agree . if its wants to do it , it will . its not a crime if it dont eyy . thanks lads
  10. thanks for the comments lads . i only enquired as my other bitch grew to 24 inches by 8 months , then stopped totally yano , but who knows he could make his sire's dap . il be happy with 28tts . a sheer running machine .
  11. i like you way of vocabulary , i get your lingo .
  12. aright there , thought i would pop up some pictures of my pup, hes deerhound greyhound 31tts, back to a 3-4 greyhound 1-4 bull 24 tts. hes 6 months and 1 week , and is already standing at 25.5 to the shoulder . jumping fences as a normal adult lurcher , running like a fully grown one an all . how tall dya think he would reach by the time hes fully developed, do you think hes done his growing early , or will he carry on growing , let me know what you think of him . p.s no slandering the post lets have a decent one for once haha
  13. ive pm'd you on my mates behalf but had no reply ....
  14. hahaha! i just realised what ive done , im a muppet on regualr occasions haha .
  15. tactic , its unbeatable . pm if your intrested
  16. good stuff. nice to here the russells doing abit ..
  17. thas for that mate much oblidged
  18. aright there, is there any transporters that are decent service, fair price. from south wales to drop a dog of in county durham,north east england, near sunderland, and bring a pup back down to me . number would be great . much appreciated . S.T.D
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