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About Sam'george'Carr

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  1. anyone know of anyone selling ferrets kitts?

    1. paulus


      its a bit late for this years and far to early for next years lol

    2. theferreter


      have you been sleeping the past few months lol

  2. thank you everyone who wished me a happy 18th had a wicked weekend

  3. air rifle bipod for sale inbox me for details.

    1. Simoman


      Please stop using the status updates for selling

  4. proper love being unemployed again NOT

  5. is happiness a god given right? or must we first earn it?

  6. a coward kills with a gun, a despreate man kills with a blade but a lost soul kills with his hands.

  7. anyone any good at working out train times and prices?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scothunter
    3. scothunter


      4.95 what train do you take/a goods wagon lol

    4. christian71


      Or £2.00 on the ghost train there about every 10 mins Not for the faint hearted tho

  8. Im in birmingham and warickshire sort of pass between the two atm- if some one would be willing to tek me out id appreicate it greatly thanks sam
  9. litter number two is being born now :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. england


      poodle x cavalier king charles spanials

    3. rob190364


      he just means the second crisp packet of the day has fallen out of his pocket.

    4. Lab


      I think he's just went for a shite?????

  10. what film sites actually work?

  11. do 'alf think the people on jeremy kyle are bred on special farms

    1. Lab


      Probably was a farm at one time....Liverpool they call it now.

  12. i know how to look after them, we had um in college, its just the ferreting side, ill get meself the book and 'ave a read cheers
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