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Everything posted by CiaranMcalinden

  1. would any of you lads sell any hennie eggs?
  2. cheers whitehackle he was a craicing bird
  3. the black red is the only stag that didnt get killed he is in around the 5lb mark, i have him in with a muffed duckwing pullet and a hennie pullet so hopefully i will get some nice youngsters out them, i also just got a hennie stag i must get pics up of him
  4. here is a few pics of irish fowl i have owned, feel free to add pics of your irish gamefowl my muffed black red muffed duckwing plain faced duckwing
  5. here is my old irish stag he got killed on me this year along with a good few other irish stags and hens tree fell on top of my pens!! but i have a trio left to get me back up and breeding again
  6. absoulte craicer!!! best of luck with it,
  7. fugolersc have ye any pics of her? do ye have any hennie stags?
  8. lads has any of you came across muffed aseels/asils? a good friend recently give me some eggs from his pair and 2 chicks hatched(2 in eggs in the incubator other 4 under a broody hen thats due 2moro) 1 looks like its a muff, is this a rarity for aseels/asils to be muffed?
  9. you cant go wrong with davy campbell
  10. cheers lads, i have just ordered myself a howa in .270 i just hope ive made the right calibre choice, but by the sounds of things i have,
  11. hi lads, just wondering is there anybody using a .270? if so what do you think of them, cheers in advance
  12. the first pic was in his first season with his first rabbit second pic was him in his third season,
  13. same gos last season the bird is 3 year old and hunts at 1lb 7
  14. my gos in his first year, this was his first rabbit
  15. is there anybody using a winchester rifle was in a gundealers today and was thinking of getting it, its in .22 250 just wondering would anybody recommend them?
  16. they are both jills and where roughly 8weeks old, i have 2 50/50 crosses and 2 diluted they are roughly 3/4ferret 1/4polecat.. the 50/50 there is too much polecat blood in them they are pretty shy, but the diluted 2 are great workers cant fault them, they get in and get the job done
  17. a few pics of my polecat hybrids, mother was a full wild polecat, hob was a polecat coloured ferret, got these from a lad that has wild polecats for release pogramme in scotland..
  18. lads quick question where do you buy batteries for mk3 collars?
  19. lad the best thing for you to do is get a falconer close by that can help you out, or give the bird to someone that has birds, getting advice about the birds weight over the internet is a sure way for a disaster!
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