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the big chief

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Everything posted by the big chief

  1. think you will find lads he has ruind it by him self for posting that the site is watched good look and wait for the knock
  2. couple of niggles one is the lanyard the mettal bit hits the charge point and makes it come on a really low another is when i was out in the drizell and would do the same like its making a circuit but if i tape it up its fine other than that i am happy
  3. every feker in dony has a sal bull gh or bull gh
  4. it fits its just me being bollox lol
  5. adjust the but pad for ya lad he will soon get into it then when it all lines up for him i did the same with mine got it to fit me right then was taking rabbits all the time
  6. spider will go over one or two good bitches in the next few years so if its the right time for me i may have a pup out of one of them bitches. mine will have the summer and its get near the time old lads f****dhow old is he now?he is 9 roy
  7. spider will go over one or two good bitches in the next few years so if its the right time for me i may have a pup out of one of them bitches. mine will have the summer and its get near the time old lads f****d
  8. trev only breeds if he needs one dave has them in pup most of the time
  9. i thought there was sumat wrong with mine phoned same place and they told me it had to be sent to bulgaria turned out mine was the mounts they told me same time too vm
  10. i never set times and dates lol
  11. My dogs toe was same gibbo it does toughen up but he still has a thin patch but if ya really worried try one of those shoes they put on dogs the trainer style may work may not but you never know pal. Drop me a pm gibbo
  12. load of bollox mate don't waist ya money i sorted mine with an e collar soon put a stop to it
  13. No plans as yet vm got other things on the cards 1st but if I can pic a cheap home brew one up I probably will get it there is 4 of us now me and my brother have a farm each now and the other lads have too so we are at the pigeons with shotgun soon then ratd at pig farm
  14. this is from when i had all my nv gear i sold it as it wasn't getting used as i couldn't go on the farm but sods law my brother lands a perm a month later anyway only a short clip https://youtu.be/jDBbkZRFNT0
  15. antler one has gone just the deer foot one left
  16. looking well jordan bet ya can't wait for next season i no i can't lol
  17. Yeah, nothing as good on rats and rabbits as a bull x, so why all these bull x owners are saying their dogs are taking so many foxes is anyones guess! lol biging there dogs up so they can have litters from them I would say
  18. has the horse hit you with its tally waker
  19. 3/4 bred dhxgh utter shite most of the time then show flashes of greatness the thing would run when she wanted when she chose to boy could she run but was one big pain in the arse
  20. got that right use one of my pets stud dog
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