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the big chief

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Everything posted by the big chief

  1. Seems I get more interest in guests on every thread I do if any of you are antis well f**k you ya dingbats go hug a tree
  2. had a walk out with my pups and there litter sister who my pal owns weather was shit when we set off but came really nice the litter sister
  3. Better than being on the computer all the time that's for sure I thought it was a small piece but looking at it on who is wearing it it big would be really nice as a small bit of jewellery
  4. Yes griff scrap buddy ya lad well clever sun you have nowt on him lol tought him well pal lol
  5. his work does look spot on tbh
  6. sent him a pm but not heard owt of him on hear in a while
  7. is there any other member on hear do glass engraving ??? my pal had to have his dog pts earlier today and its hit him hard so i want to get him a pint glass with a pic of his dog on
  8. Pisses you right off when it happens took me a few hours to do then I brake it when waxing it sods law lol
  9. It was till it broke lol better look next time
  10. thought i would have a go at some jewlery made from solid buffalo horn the bottom of the ring went too thin but thought it would be ok as i was waxing it the thing broke so i will have to make that part a bit thicker live and learn lol
  11. put the lamp in ya hand an stick it out the window works just fine
  12. yes found that out fast lol we have a few decoys it helps
  13. my tracer was shit with my n550 mate best off getting a t20 ir loads better
  14. I have a garmin GPS tracker bud but very rarely use it,I should coz it might just save your life it gives all relevant info,altitude,co-ordinates has a compass built in the whole shebang,tell you how far you've walked the lot but I just use Mapmyhike a free app for your phone,real good,easy to use and does the job mate..and thanks folks for the comments,I always seem to manage to see stuff on my hikes out wherever I am cheers buddy will have a look for that
  15. good pics fuji as always pal what gps you using i want one see how far i walk on a night
  16. Its a good bike rake I just don't use it I was going to race itbut got too much on
  17. You won't see a thing unless its night vision and have an ir source
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