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the big chief

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Everything posted by the big chief

  1. started to make a couple of neck knifes for using out in the field made from o1 tool steel I still have plenty to do on it but its a start
  2. I like these ray there boby dazzlers
  3. mother to the pups suning it up my old 2 out bushing
  4. my k50 just totaly shut off last night i have power all batteries are good even tried my spare set just to make sure still the torch won't come back on i have emailed the seller just waiting for a reply how many other folk had trouble with theres
  5. nice looker sb what you done to the other shaved its body and left the head
  6. good price that matt how come ya done with it all pm me if ya like
  7. just turn up enter in the right size and class pay ya cash and prance about like a plonker with ya dog simples
  8. who ever gets the right amount is there a pup as a prize
  9. 3 posts and you have the cheek to take the piss numpty
  10. its not bad rex i got used to it pretty fast but i got a newer one so its not getting used at all
  11. the travlers always say we don't steel the dogs but they always end up being found on a travlers site glad you found one lets hope the other turns up
  12. Leather buckles d rings thread everything to make one
  13. don't sound like a mate to me never ever lend ya gear out just not worth it
  14. fixed choke 27 1/2" fixed choke non ejector £100
  15. why not put £10 away each week then if anything crops up with the dog you have money to do so thats all i do
  16. Ha ha ha what happens when the tape falls off? leg falls off
  17. it fell off on a walk one day i still have the leg i tape it back on when we go lamping
  18. hello mate just down the road from me
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