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the big chief

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Everything posted by the big chief

  1. send it to xtx or john bowkett they will fix it
  2. 1st gun I ever shot was my dads innova
  3. got myself a daystate huntsman classic in 22 now I need to find a good pellet for it or if any of you chaps have owned one can you recommend a good pellet choice
  4. too right old boy and not one person on this forum seen any of mine run lol same old shite sd
  5. Pleanty of good blood in my kennels thanks chaps don't try and f**k up brads thread with trying to course an argument with me. Brad glad he got a good home mate
  6. I am with socks on this one get the media in the rspca and police are taking the piss out of ya mate don't stand for it show the people what these c**ts are really like
  7. one more is too many brad lol
  8. Wish I didn't have my yard full brad I would love him
  9. If I win how many she has comp don't forget to call yours kev hahaha
  10. I was speaking to stud dog and he is genuinely gutted he couldn't keep the dog perfect dog in the right hands hope ya find a good working home and not a kid who wants him as a status symble
  11. don't mind ya sticking ya ore in ray I ant made a knife for years and the ones I did was out of saw blades sharp as hell and done some skinning over years but I have never used 01 so tips is what I need at mo lol
  12. ye ray I have to see my blacksmith friend he will do it or I may just get a blow torch on these as there small I have to do a bit of hand sanding on them 1st and drill some holes the other one I am making is for my brother and he is waiting on some wood to match his custom stock he had made for his rapid mfr
  13. The other one is better but didn't take any pics
  14. just for you ray no mat lol I made a jig out of a bit of wood and a screw in the back to give me an angle and its loads better still need a bit of practice mind
  15. That's what I was going to do ray got any links for 01 and d2 supplier's not buying off ebay you hardly get anything for ya cash
  16. I am only making a simple jig and just clamp the blade on I just had a look at my grinder and the belt was not in line I have sorted that out so after I take the pups for a walk I will go back and have a play and see what happens just need some more steel I got mine as a kit off ebay but could do with a cheaper place tbh
  17. just trawling through youtube and came across this fight its a dam good one https://youtu.be/jixHMZmP9D8
  18. i will make a jig for it then i will get them right
  19. well I made a right pigs ear of the bevels on the bottom knife that was my 1st go in years the 2nd one is better I guess I need to buy some more steel and practice
  20. Cheers griff will crack on with it tomorrow its only going to be simple no scales on this
  21. hahaha just for you ray I will take the next pic on sumat else
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