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lamping crazy

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Everything posted by lamping crazy

  1. my favourite cross saluki whippet grey crossed in for generations prefer the racy type myself [like there style] this cross always seem to have brains and very sensible good feet [feild craft] cant falt them but theres bad in every cross and ive had my share of them atb
  2. funny enit, my mate just been here just got back from a week fishing on the broads on a boat, holiday package thing said it was great fishing and hell of a laugh going to do it myself next year atb
  3. was going to ask same thing i prefer square elastic got some 8 mm red stuff here from a man at hereford game fair very powerfull will drop rabbits,pheasants,pigeons for fun,its funny as i bought 8mm red elastic from bellsofhythe last year and it was rubbish real soft looks the same though,whats the power like on your black stuff gaffer mate prefer the 6mm if its the buisness but cant find it anywere.atb
  4. best of going to a army surplus shop mate if you no of any really cheap and some very good solid coats made for the job
  5. there aint a price on the van mate open to genuine swaps,south wales area
  6. as above 2 and a half months mot tax till end of october excellent engine very reliable paint work abit faided but will come up great with a bit of tcut and buffer on it,4 good tyres back lock broke but locked with padlock front drivers seet been chewed up by dog but got pillow on it 160 thousand miles on clock good van to use for the dogs work etc will go through another mot solid van drives perfect. just tatty interior 1.9 diesel in red.
  7. as above 2 and a half months mot tax till end of october excellent engine very reliable paint work abit faided but will come up great with a bit of tcut and buffer on it,4 good tyres back lock broke but locked with padlock front drivers seet been chewed up by dog but got pillow on it 160 thousand miles on clock good van to use for the dogs work etc will go through another mot solid van drives perfect.1.9 diesel in red.
  8. waters never bothered mine the only problem with mine is where the lamp connects into the battery but thats easily sorted with a bit of tape. will get one meself then just that put me off chears.
  9. wasent there trouble with them when they got wet?
  10. alright people gold finch mule wanted must be finch noted no silly prices wales area atb [cock bird]
  11. happend to me last year so went back to moter and took battery out and used that lol was miles from home though so wasent giving up that easy atb.
  12. any dog can be taught to stop hunting up if brought on in right way no matter how good there nose is lol persistence pays of in the end jai boy how big tts did he make after buddy
  13. nice bitch that ort alright jai your whippet will stop hunting up if you switch lamp straight off after run imediatley and call him they soon get the picture mate.
  14. wales area willing to meet looking to buy american and oxfords pm me atb and cushty couring lol
  15. a man whos not on that often but when he is.......oh FFS Do you ever have anything too say about any topic or just on here bullshit because no one listen you in the outside world no icey i like to sit back and leave it to the experts ..............an then you came on Is that your black pup in that picture with 2 fox cubs sure wee all knew it end up like that or down hole lol
  16. would also like to say if you are unexperienced i wouldent start it till at least 10 months old so easy to brake them no rush mate atb
  17. 15 months to late imo but each to there own,nothing wrong with giving a pup a few runs here and there but not on a regular basis but 5 months is pushing it keep it back for 2 or so months then give it the odd easy run here and there.also dont exspect much in first season atb
  18. ideation tried messaging you a few times mate think your inbox full.
  19. i would say run the dog fit on game {not over doing it to start of with} after all something else as importent as fitness is the dogs timing {strike etc} and you dont get that running behind a moter or long walks atb shane
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