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Everything posted by Jamo

  1. id like to make something myself that will cost about Fk all but thanks
  2. so im going to try make myself a lamp of some sort i have no idea about the basics, tried googling some stuff but nothing usefull an old car lamp/light? wired to a small battery possibly a moped one? i have no idea about the basics, tried googling some stuff but nothing usefull can i put any on off switch to it and use any wire? im clueless any help appreciated thanks
  3. does the other dog not catch any bunnies? feed them to the pup?
  4. yea i was chuffed with that, today he wasnt such a good lad and bolted after one that was 10ft infront as we turned a corner, didnt realise he was gone in the pitch black til he was 50 yards away and wouldnt stop when i called, soon as it hit some brush he was back like lightning though.. on the lead he stays when i get to that area again.
  5. Shouldn't have any "tooth scars" at 6 mths ffs. Shouldn't have any "tooth scars" at 6 mths ffs. its from another dog... Ok misinterpreted, no prob, as i said i called him off when i see him bolt after the fox
  6. Shouldn't have any "tooth scars" at 6 mths ffs. Shouldn't have any "tooth scars" at 6 mths ffs. its from another dog...
  7. my lurcher x whippet charged at a fox eating some crisps someone had thrown on the grass, the fox crapped its pants and he only 6months old, called him off tho when i see it, dont need anymore tooth scars on him
  8. hes just 6 months and has always been like this since ive had him realised he has travel sickness now too, so i cant even take him to work with me when i go back as i dont drive and he puked in my workmates car before, he wont be able to stay at home if he doesnt get sorted soon as my dad has had enough if i go out for 2 hours hel be screaming the whole time.. its a shame as he come shooting with me the other night and chased and cought a bunny by himself so he can do the work hes just got issues being away from me
  9. tried the step by step thing leaving him there wile i go toilet ot shower etc still he goes mad ive been leaving him in there whem in home he sleeps in the crate and eats in there too, hes started to chill out in there without the gate shut but as soon as he knows im going or the food runs out hes back to frenzying to the point hes chipped a cainine.. hes shreds all the bedding while howling and pawing the bars and i guess biting too going to carry on but want something that can help to calm him, read last night of some herbs to try so il see how it goes cheers
  10. so the pup cant be left alone without howling, screaming, screeching, crying, barking any type of vocal noise you can think of, he does it when hes crated, no matter how tired he is ive tried the crate covered in a sheet, hitting the cage when he starts but as soon as he hears me leaving the room he goes off on one someone told me to try chamomile tea in the dogs meal? anyone ever tried this or know anything else that could calm him or make him sleepy? dont really want to give it drugs though...
  11. 6 months, didnt really want him chasing he just been going in after i shoot one but as i was looking down the scope he spotted another and managed to get right close to it so i moved the light to it and off they went
  12. took the pup out with me for a shoot, the little retard got his first unexpected bunny, chased for about 20-30 seconds never a yard away from it turning like mad then he nabbed it as it tried to get under a fence
  13. my dogs eat the fur i just chop the bunny in half and bobs ya mums brother did start to save the fur but foxes got in the shed coz the door broke the ginger nuts raided the place
  14. theres a youtube tutorial il find it and paste here
  15. i have been trying to decide what light to get and have just ordered this set up for £19:78, cheers!
  16. ok thanks, il just keep walking him but i can let him chase say once a day if the chance comes?
  17. not a wind up.. obviously i wasnt going to drag him down the road for 10 miles...i dont want to over do it thats why i asked first,
  18. about 2 hours ago i was out down the seafront and there were bunnies about, the pup chased after one up a bank to its den in some bushes, when he couldnt find it he stood waiting for me then dived in looking for it when i got to him and sent him in the bush, he had a look about then come back happy as larry. all good that he chased it but i want him strong before hes allowed to bolt after something again incase he injures himself i will be riding my bike with him tied to me, just need some advice on how much training per day or week he should do, hes lurcher x whippet and just over 18
  19. anyone else have a copy they arent using at the moment? would be appreciated
  20. my pup is a noisy f**k and he is inside... when crated when nobody to watch him he goes mad and doesnt shut up someone told me about a "Tunder Coat" or something that makes them stop so im going to look into that, maybe you should too
  21. imo all dogs should eat raw meat and bones, but if its worked it should be given the right balance of protiens and neutrients and what not
  22. thanks but rabbits are free the neighbours cats is a good idea but since i put a fence around the grass the bullie will never reach em in time, charlie is just as quick as the cats to bolt the garden
  23. got it pinned to a board at the moment about to give it a good scrape n chop off the fat i checked youtube first but il have another search no way is it going in the fridge! well not til i get a fridge freezer in the shed mate! cheers
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