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Everything posted by Westy77

  1. Would you take a hatsan luxano semi auto 12g in px?
  2. As above ,really clean and looked after semi auto , willing to px for air rifle anything considered can put cash to it or straight swap pm me Cheers
  3. Just taking them now ! Pm your email will get them over this eve Regards
  4. Hi Steve Pm me your email and I will email this eve and details Recards
  5. As above,great gun very reliable , nice wood ,in very good condition , original hard case . Located Cambridge
  6. As above will fit all Baikal 12g single barrels , this came off a hushpower single but will fit all Baikal single 12g. £50 posted
  7. Yea Cambridge ,it would have to be sent through your local firearms dealer ,get a price of them and let me know cheers
  8. Hi I have 3 Teague extended chokes for browning/miroku They are invector grab a bargain £50 posted
  9. Carpenter mark is a time waster ..... Do not trust
  10. Watch that mark he's all talk .... Ain't that right???
  11. Hi matey Not that near! I'm in a place called Sawston south of Cambridge ? Let me know cheers
  12. 3 gun cabinet mint ,2 locks ,4 keys £60!!Pm me
  13. As above , £70 nice Clean and with 4 keys cambridge area pm me if interested many thanks
  14. Not on iPhone it don't bud! To far ....damn!!
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