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Everything posted by justdigit

  1. Anyone know of a greyhound stud or maybe even a big strong coursing type. I want to line my GWP bitch this year. She’s a big strong bitch and has thrown her size into the pointer litters she’s had. She’s hunts and marks very well
  2. Ye it look a bit like some of the footage from that bbc Wales thing the other year. Now I’ve seen it again tho whoever filmed it did have hold of a whip so they must have known him fairly well
  3. I thought it looked like someone might of had a camera hidden on them it wasn’t the best quality
  4. I suppose a lot of it comes down to experience and listening to those that have experience. There’s men out there that have done it all there life that learnt off men that did it all there life. There rock places that have been worked for well over 100 years and never kept a terrier over night. But if one of those men tell you a place is bad and to stay away then you listen. It’s not just a case of tipping a terrier in anywhere that holds a fox. To say if you work rocks you shouldn’t own a terrier is no sense to me spoken by someone that has zero experience working rocks
  5. Are you say lads that work rocks shouldn’t have a terrier?
  6. Anyone else have problems deciding what pup to keep out of your own litter
  7. No problem mate I was taking piss more than anything with that last post. Thanks
  8. Never got a reply off him mate. He’ll fit in well with the rest of the reps ?
  9. Pg 600 definitely work when done properly. The bitches usually start ovulation early once they’re in season from it
  10. Where’s the meetings going to be?
  11. My Mrs has started a little fertility clinic in Lancashire. If the dog has an infection it will show up on the microscope and snyulox will clear it up and not make sterile. Same with a bitch when they do sightology they can see an infection in a bitch then and same again antibiotics while in heat with no problem
  12. Lot off lads going down the GWP route now. They a lot to bring to the table in a lurcher in my opinion
  13. I was the same for years. Now I’ve got a couple I don’t dont think I’ll ever be without 1
  14. Nice litter of GWP pups here got a few pups going to lurcher and terrier lads to be used as bushing, hunting and marking dogs.
  15. Nice litter of GWP pups there. Dam worked on Fox only and sire has been worked mainly on fur.
  16. All these fertility people that mess with all these fancy breeds are adamant it’s down to the bitch and how many fertile eggs are released that affects litter sizes
  17. Bitch came out as soon as he phoned for help ?. She must off known I was coming. Could have been a lot worse T just behave yourself now only 2 week to wait ?
  18. To be honest I wouldn’t really class it as a rescue more a lad had just put his dog in a spot and needed a hand digging. Me and a lad off here have done similar earths in a similar area at similar depths on our own. I think the fell and moorland say a dog has to be in 24hr before they get involved. Think the old boys doing the rocks back in the day wouldn’t class it as stuck if the dog is still working.
  19. I’d like to know what rep they contacted because I know both reps that are near them and both men would off contacted me. I’ve spent a good few days helping out getting dogs out.ive organised machines and payed for machines and the fell and moorland payed me back. The lad himself has said the fell and moorland has failed us all. And the fell and moorland has let everybody down. He’s wrote this on the internet for everyone to see. He’s been going to tell us for days what rep has been phoned and wasn’t interested but we’ve still not had an answer. If you know who’s been phoned about helping get
  20. Apparently a some lads went to help a kid dig a dog out the other day and 1 of them has started a new terrier rescue club on Facebook and been slagging fell and moorland off. I’ve only heard about it all second hand
  21. There’s been some money spent on machinery just in them pictures alone. This new club that’s turned up reckoning to do terrier rescues. What happens when they have £3000 to pay to get a dog out. Think lads need to be careful signing up and paying subs if it’s just to line someone’s pocket
  22. There’s is a couple off lads out there using there dogs that way. And there is certain lines that are better suited to it than other lines
  23. Would you just buy any terrier pup and take your chance wanting it to work to a high standard or would you do your home work and buy a pup that’s bred out of dogs doing what you want it to do.
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