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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. stig the black dog man getting a bit of stick well i never
  2. thanks lads just got back in been some place to look at another lead but it wasent him him shame but he will be found with all you lot looking for us thanks to you all keep at it he will be to hot to handel now
  3. thanks lads the bitch is back wher she belongs thanks for all your help pms and folkes to ask ,the dog is our next hunt so keep ya ears and eys open hes the white and tan dog atb and merry christmass
  4. yer shes only a pup ya see but the dog can do anything so think they will keep him the c**ts
  5. no mate police blame travelers but that place she is in looks dodgy as f**k to be fair north hampton forest lodge its called but as yet no sighn of the dog f***ing gutted aint the word
  6. https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/1524944_481105398674348_789581523_n.jpg the white and tan dog on your left side of screen
  7. ffs he still not sold its unbeliveable thes ov mine are a creddit to you ry every one who sees them wants them ,the next one to ask i will give them your number
  8. thanks to alot of you hunting lads we have found the bitch she is in north hampton so will be going to get her saterday but we are still wanting any info on the male rough coated white and tan dog please keep up the help and thankyou all and a merry christmass from me and my family
  9. thanks yer walshie mate any thing to help my lad get his dogs back
  10. i did another one lastnight mate you no am shite at this comp thing lol
  11. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1488183_454113511362028_321188166_n.jpg come on folkes some one has seen these dogs lets have them back where they belong
  12. thanks again to you all still no news there is a small reward offerd now atvb
  13. thanks dave mate, my lad just wants them back now
  14. some ones knows some thing or some one come on lads
  15. hurry up kev am off to bnq for bits to build another run
  16. yer mate far tomuch of it ,he had gone out to buy some new locks would you belive coss he just moved house and built new kennels ffs
  17. help my grandaughter get her dads dog back #
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