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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. 6 rabbits and a fox cub to my old eyes lol
  2. as they say if only you were closer
  3. he has good recal jumps for fun not done out with him, just got a new terrier and they were at it thrue the wire a iam doing more terrier work so he must go
  4. £100 notes no messers or time wasters this time thanks
  5. lost my phone can the lads who rang me for the saluki get in touch on hear you can have him for £100 notes

    1. tilfertilfer


      and a bag of good dog food 20kg sack no less its yours mick lol??????????????????????????????????????????c**t

    2. mickmck


      glad you lost yer phone lol now you cant bother me !!

    3. tilfertilfer


      ow yer about the £50 i owe ya lol

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  6. f**k me call out at this time of day talk alters my chat room buddys alters

  7. f**k me thourt paulus had changed his name and avertar when i saw the pics ffs
  8. yer stabba lol,8 cream cakes 20lb of pork and the c**t made a shit brew lol atb fat boy lol Granted I do struggle on the tea situation lol...not used to making it tbh and its a bstard getting 3 cups of tea out of 1 teabag ...that said the cakes were rank and the pork was 19lb of fat ya dick head will need you to take me round to kevs mate
  9. yer stabba lol,8 cream cakes 20lb of pork and the c**t made a shit brew lol atb fat boy lol
  10. on there way mate recorded delivery ring ya when we back see what els i have for your lad atb mel
  11. thanks mate same with the nets if ya need out els to help the lad giss a bell atb mel
  12. wrapping them now mate i have put a few more in for your lad, good luck atb mel
  13. pissin down sandstorms and high winds where your going mal -- take your real tree jacket and don't pack your vests .. ya no me stig they are packed
  14. lol keep me updated on the lad chriss atb ,will ring ya when we get back mate
  15. nice one chriss did you kiss him and get his autograph
  16. how many nets ya want for it mate atb mel
  17. atb in getting some thing sorted mate
  18. looks a nice piece of kit think i will have one will pm you my details in a fortnight when am back
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