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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. its had a repair at some time cliff thas why its gone but thanks i deffo will mate atb mel
  2. nice one dd ,its my lads not mine but i can shoot out ifact tell kev a could shoot better with an hose pipe than him with the 97 ffs
  3. only down the road from you dd
  4. there ya go mate hope that helps atb mel
  5. ; http://stores.ebay.co.uk/customstock0114?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
  6. or ths onehttp://i.ebayimg.com/t/Custom-painted-wooden-rifle-stock-for-weihrauch-HW97-Satin-Black-New-freebie-/00/s/NzE0WDE2MDA=/z/~JIAAMXQQQZR0Fhz/$(KGrHqN,!okFGpcHnHTHBR0FhzgnHw~~60_12.JPG atb mel
  7. like this dd £75 notes london
  8. kev have a look over there for a hw 35 stock for my lads gun mate atb mel
  9. any one got one for sale please my lads just droped his and brocken it beyound repair
  10. correct lab hell of a lot of sothern lads over there buying prop for resale cause its close and up an comming
  11. lab you never know mate ,but yes am a c**t
  12. its three bedroom plus on suits .and a full roof terace,land is about 1/4 of an acre big enough for a large pool or another house,i have asked him to send some picks to me ,he also sayes 20 miles away they are building a new euro disney if you want his number pm me thanks mel
  13. if i had the coin i would buy it pil pleanty of bunnys there to shoot with an hw I fecking knew something like that was coming :laugh:you buy the place i will fly out with the hw80 and stay over for a bit, I tell ya what , when I've finished bricking your swim at the comp your be able to build a fecking cottage Might aswell put Mel's name on the wooden spoon now :laugh: ​ ffs ya twat
  14. if i had the coin i would buy it pil pleanty of bunnys there to shoot with an hw I fecking knew something like that was coming :laugh: you buy the place i will fly out with the hw80 and stay over for a bit,
  15. if i had the coin i would buy it pil pleanty of bunnys there to shoot with an hw
  16. no mate los cannervis is about 30 mins from air port ,its in a quite little village on a hill , i will tex him see for deffo its nice bu very hot all year round
  17. think its some thing like loscannavis,i carnt spell best of times but the name sounds right to me
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