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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. or right a see your all very helpful eh c**ts lol
  2. any one got any 33, 35,37, inch or larger tyres for sale
  3. #https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/994430_233831836794203_485560774_n.jpg still missing any one seen this dog
  4. f**k me looks like a new age travller lol
  5. so you want me to bring an engiser fence unit aswell lollol
  6. i have got you some meds any way see you when we come over
  7. kev phinex agling will put in again top bloke he is spoken to him today
  8. pick my brains asoon as i get there cause after 2 hour i will be f****d till monday lollol
  9. will see how much steel i have left see if i can weld you a warter troff up but not promising
  10. iwill bring you some bettamox and linkerjet for pigs but dont be doing ya sen with it ffs lollol
  11. hahaha ya set of c**ts no paki satnav thankyou very much lol twats
  12. i will bring some meds for you and see how many bags of meddicated food, i can get in when full of fishing gear just remind me closer the fishing match
  13. i was going to bring my pair of terrier dogs but maybe not
  14. first thing have you got your passport :D lollol i have bought a sat nav now and johnny as sent a detailed map every thing should be fine lollol am off derby way saves an hour and 17 mins lollol
  15. and more coin sick of buy you drinks lol who me you did`nt buy me one ya tight fooker ....hammer fook that when mels around if the lads have kebab delivered like i bought every one pints and vodi red bull lolif ya dint drink them thats thy falt lol
  16. and more coin sick of buy you drinks lol
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