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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. i did shout your names and you never came
  2. thanks on behalfe of my son lads atvb toyou all BUMP
  3. but thourt you brown nose would of been about 6th in line lol
  4. hear you are thats what the is for no sly coments and no bullshite TILL YOU TO CAME ON lol
  5. come on lads how many memmbers and how many views some has seen this dog BUMP BUMP
  6. dog mate around 24 =25inch took from scarborough found bitch kettring airea stolen just befour christmass
  7. sent you picks of the terriers for ya dad tell to ring on the house number atb mel
  8. #https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/7351_546759238680968_1708752346_n.jpg stilll missing and no ones seen him ,bump
  9. i dont eat that shite stigy old chap lol
  10. dont be bringing that team near me like lol
  11. it want the table kev it was the black ball ffs lol
  12. you are one crazzy f****r kev lollol
  13. hope not or you and lab will be crying again and johnny boy will be slamdunked on it again lol
  14. haha i wish it was that easy blackie lol just priced some 35 up on ebay for only £650 so may get them thanks thou
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