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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. thanks mate as soon aswife comes back with it from hospital will pm you thanks bud
  2. you will haveto get johnny a crate to see him propply or sit him on a bar stool lol
  3. the bsa should more than cope with the rats mate why you want to swop good little guns at
  4. if this aint a wind up its a great offer ,but think it would be out my price range
  5. may deal this dog for a bitch if anyone wants a deal #https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1150794_10201559983828758_1544553076_n.jpg
  6. thanks all but still no bitchs anywhere bet if i wanted a dog they would all be bitches lol atb mel
  7. No not really I normally give them away .I think fallow wise there is one set on the shed ,a huge park animal & one boiled of head in the barn that if it was measured would only get a laugh ....anything with a really good set gets to keep them ..... if you get any spare would you pm me i need some for the bairs school play i will pay pxp and a drink for you atb mel red and fallow needed thanks
  8. nice read and nice pics , do you keep the antlers
  9. yer you are dull cold drizzle and wet
  10. the amount of pcp you have had dont think they are eather mick
  11. gay, gobby and a wrong un dint come across that way to me but you never know when ya talk to a screen ?
  12. ffs you only just bought the thing just get a springer lol
  13. i saw her two weeks ago she looks well , just like the rest of his stock
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