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Everything posted by tilfertilfer

  1. #http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jofNR_WkoCE ffs
  2. i had the green one on the 170 last night,and they still sleyd of tbf andy
  3. get more pics up you lads
  4. well done mrs chidley now get him done ,it will only be a little job atvb from us lot here
  5. same kev like a said on phone its still not right here yet the colder the better
  6. correct kev, next time they will be out in the field then it should be game over
  7. saw five ran 3 just to close to roads bushes and gardens lol ,so no joy kev
  8. wll let you no how i get on kev should be back by 10pm lol
  9. sick of been in off out tonight kev blowing a gail and pissing down hear ,and my back still not right but fuckit lol
  10. thanks lads you no who you are for all your help, still no joy will wait till i have more coin atvb mel
  11. ffs mate when i get back on my feet and get a few sorted you can have one off me ,for the help you offerd me hope you get them back first thou atvb mel
  12. he loks well dave any more picks let me no if hes doing the job for you mate
  13. i may have alook mi sen del, MH pm some pics please mate my lad wants a look
  14. bargin that for some one with winter on the way atb
  15. my mate runs the hilux up and down to work and every weekend works on a hunt he swears by them good fuel comp aswel better than the nissan d22 and mish l200
  16. any pics mate video footedge atb mel
  17. its down to you tom end of day but i would not buy out but jap
  18. hey ratty mate hows it going what dog is it i have one here that grafts but the staffiepat and pitpat dont like him lol
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