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Everything posted by whipmistress

  1. I had a dhxgh cross beddy greyhound, it was that good i gave it away.
  2. Last dog pup, Sire out of Anglesey Field Whippets Dam A working Bedlington Bitch
  3. http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h405/rosiejones104/DSCN4185.jpg[/img
  4. The sire is 17"tts, the Dam is 16"tts, the sire is out of Rambo lines, both parents are good mooching dogs.
  5. Rambo lines, silent assasins, parents good mooching dogs,
  6. Seems any honest inquiry. I am looking for a Border Terrier dog, pup or sapling out of guaranteed working stock, not bushing but digging stock. I know this is a bit of a big ask, but if you do not ask, you do not get. If anyone can possibly help, please inbox me, as I do not want this to turn into a bitch fest, sorry no pun intended. I have a bitch here that is 11" at the most, and I want to keep a line of small Borders, not the freaks I have seen lately at the Shows.
  7. I cannot pm you apparently, can you get in touch .
  8. Why has it got to be blue? If you don't mind me asking.
  9. Hi there, Please can anyone help me, I am looking for a contact number for the person who runs the show named above
  10. As it says on the tin, looking for a dog pup or a sappling in the next 6 months. Will be wanted for general mooching/ fox work, must have some kind of working papers and must be CT cleared. No point in leaving stupid remarks, a genuine inquiry. Please PM me.
  11. 26 1/2" Collie x Greyhound Deerhound xGreyhound.
  12. Here are a couple of snaps of my BullxWhippet, I do not know what percentage he is. He is 211/2", he came from South Wales.
  13. There is as much chance of a Colliex killing a terrier as any other Lurcher.
  14. I give my pups goat's milk, much better than anything else. Also the puppies milk you get in Asda is goat's milk anyway. ATB.
  15. My nine and half month old Deerhound x Bull has just started jumping, she is very courageous when it comes to stiles, etc. Should I be holding her back because of her weight, 60lbs and her age. Any advice would be gratefully received.
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