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Everything posted by jojolips

  1. yeah staffys are lovely..my friend breeds and shows them..she has two,i call them her sausages.haha. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Is it the pup in your avatar? yes...he is a handsome dog..lovely colouring but you cant see it in the pic..dark brindle.
  3. Hi, I'm not condeming the him, i love dogs,all dogs but have had no experience with these so i just want other opinions, experiences and help becausr there is so much negativity around them..he is a lovely little pup. Jo There is a lot negative media coverage on these so its not surprising that people tend to believe what the media throws down their necks. Myself I believe that both full bull and bull crosses will be as good as or better around children then most other dogs when raised in a similar way. I have found them more tolerant when trod on or poked in the wrong way then othe
  4. Hi, I'm not condeming the him, i love dogs,all dogs but have had no experience with these so i just want other opinions, experiences and help becausr there is so much negativity around them..he is a lovely little pup. Jo
  5. Thank you, i've always had good loving dogs but with all the hype surrounding this type of breed its very daunting. Thanks again,much appreciated. J
  6. Thank you,He is defnitley getting plenty love and attention now.
  7. Hi and thanks loads for your reply..i have just found out that it is the dangerous bull type..and very unsure of what to do now. J there are no dangerous dogs mate only dangerous owners.. As above with the right upbringing and exposure to situations/people/environment it will be spot on. If you look up the most common biting dogs you will see pitbulls are way down the list below collies, jack russels, yorkies etc Thanks for that Jo
  8. Thanks for your reply,thats a really good way of looking at it. There is such a bad stigma around APB,it just makes you very weary. J
  9. Thanks for your reply,I've had dogs all my life,big and small,labs,westies,the good old sausage dog and a springer/collie cross..theyv all been lovely loyal wellbehaved dogs..puppy classes sounds like a great idea. J
  10. Hi and thanks loads for your reply..i have just found out that it is the dangerous bull type..and very unsure of what to do now. J
  11. HI, I have just been informed that the mother is saluki/deerhound/bull/greyhound and the father is a collie/bull/greyhound if this is any help. J
  12. Hi, I know this site is for working dogs but i need some help from people that know what they are talking about and this site seems the best for that. We have found ourselves with a lurcher pup..he was going to be destroyed as he was last in litter and the place he was being kept was being knocked down so we decided to take him rather than see him destroyed. We have had him for 1 week,when we were given him he was very thin and fragile,shakey on his legs and vey nervous and timid. A trip to the vets and he seems well on his way to good health and his confidence is growing..phew..we have b
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