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Everything posted by B.A.

  1. Hi I'm wondering which are better for me to use long net or purse net as I have purse nets and am wondering whether it is worth getting a long net as well.
  2. Thanks I'll probably get going in a week or so once i've sorted all my kit out etc.
  3. A wee hint for you mate, go back to the beginning of this thread and read through every page before you ask another question on eu poleys, wild polecats etc and that will give you an idea of peoples opinions ps if you can make any sense of it and come out the other end without being totaly confused let me know A wee hint for you mate, go back to the beginning of this thread and read through every page before you ask another question on eu poleys, wild polecats etc and that will give you an idea of peoples opinions ps if you can make any sense of it and come out the other end
  4. If anyone has any purse nets they would be willing to sell for a reasonable price that would be great thanks.
  5. I had a jill polecat lost it and it came back two weeks later or so and it had kits another 2 months or so later. These kits could not be handled though because of the fact their dad was wild is that normal when breeding with properly wild polecats?
  6. I've got to many rabbits running aroud at home and i was wndering if it was possible to ge ferreting this time of year without having your ferret(s) stay down the hole.
  7. Hi, does anyone have any advice on j how i could make a quickset basket.
  8. You could get one off ebay but they are around £40 so its probably a better idea to make one yourself.
  9. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on an air rifle i could get for sorting out the rabbits i get in the summer, becuase of course i can't go ferreting in the summer for risk of losing my ferrets. I was thinking of spending around £250 but any suggestions would be helpul.
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