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Everything posted by B.A.

  1. I was browsing the web a few days ago and bought the sample lot of these for a small day we were having and they worked quite well take a look!: marsdentout.co.uk
  2. looks like a good shot well done
  3. Very well done and great pic of your son down the hole
  4. Thats the method that worked for me as well
  5. well done there looks like a cracking bit of land
  6. for 20p you might as well use them as ferret feed
  7. Round the Basingstoke area in Hampshire I've got a freind who has an attempted ferret theft done on him they didn't actually manage to take any but just be careful round that area as well
  8. B.A.

    Poped out

    Well done, two good rabbits there
  9. well done good shooting and good shot(picture that is)
  10. Well done and yer its definitley worth remebering to bring the collar
  11. well done atb for the next time you go out :thumbs:
  12. alright buddy i no its my first post under this name but lost the password to my other acount lol anyway got a litter of terrier pups due in 3 weeks out of my black and tan russell type bitch to a lakeland dog both hundred percent bushing dogs having a litter now as shes getting old and want to keep some back for my self and a mate of mine wants one if your interested dont want no money just a good working home pm me if your interested ideation of this site can vouch me out on my bitch atb shane top man giving him a pup for free nice gesture very nice of you to give it away
  13. It's a bit round the hampshire area
  14. greatpost and well done that cover looks a bugger
  15. :laugh: I'm not joking mate, released a dozen rabbits into a pen with a few holes dug and they did the rest in quick time. oh right sounds like a good idea actually good way of doing it
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