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Everything posted by walshy123

  1. Thanks very much appreciated
  2. This is the email my sister just recieved regarding the paypal account. Sorry if this causes any problems guys but they can not set one up because the money gets semt to an account created by gofundme first because they take a percentage of money raised then send the rest to me. So we will be closing one account bk down as it was created for paypal and will have to just use the credit/debit card sorrys guys.
  3. I have contacted the website they are having problems with paypal atm i will be intouch as soon as they sort it. Thanks guys
  4. It is not a problem mate everyone is entitled to there opinion. I take all comments on boared to help so thank you. I have contacted them they are going to change it to paypal they have made a mistake, thanks for the feedback
  5. I have edited my first post guys please have a read. Thanks for the feed back
  6. Hi, we have got as much as we can off friends and family, the family didnt want one of these put up because they was embarrassed but have been trying to raise the money over the past year and a half and came to a holt. If u want to know more about the little man and see more pictures i am more than willing to do so if it helps him out because he has been frew hell of alot and atayed strong and kept fighting the whole way. As for on the few posts, i come on here for knowledge and not to brag there are few on here that will vouch for me that have meet me and had a night out with me and the dogs.
  7. Please click this link and donate what ever little u can please all going to a good cause and will massivley help this little soldier. Debit/visa card http://www.gofundme.com/bdkhg4 Abit about donovon. Donovon was born with a condition called neuronal migration disorder, this is a very rare and complex disability but in short it means his ventricles in his brain are enlarged causing sevre brain damage and no mobilty as well as affecting his sight! As a family this was as you can imagine very much a shock and tough on us all in particular for his dad who left the family home. For the
  8. there's a litter of bull grey whippets on the ground now. 3 weeks old both parents doing there job, working mans price 07903 040426 give him a phone Atb walshy
  9. Yeh both parents are good workers, hopefully he followes in there foot steps atb walshy
  10. Floyd and tyra playing kiss chase !! Bring on next season so i can can see what floyds made of atb walshy
  11. Got a hancock bitch had her nearly 3 years neva done me rong
  12. Kubla pup - he'll be my second pup by him - first one was killed at 15 months...bit of a disaster that was...sorry to hear mate mines is delboy. bred herd a few good things from kublas breedingMy bitch is kubla bred handy little bitch
  13. cracking litter keep telling ingram i like the look of the smallest bitch looks very racey. hopefully keiva makes a full recovery as i believe she will make a very good allrounder atb walshy
  14. My bitch going into her first season Cheers walshy
  15. Yeh neva really had any problems with them, running and bike work keeps them [bANNED TEXT] Cheers walshy
  16. Cheers lads, hes a game wee dog hangs of the neck of my gsd while shes walking about bitches 2nd season so gona put her frew paces whilest spending alot of time on the pup then roll on next season to get him started Cheers walshy
  17. Tyra 3/4 grey 1/4 collie 24 tts 25 mnth old Floyd 9 week jewel(collie/grey) x todd(collie/grey x whip/grey) Chancing his luck Getting warned off Trying to suck up Gave up and went for a lay down Cheers walshy
  18. Pups looking good mate that pup of mine(floyed) takes all the bones, put 3 bones down the other day he took all 3 to his bed was gona call him camelion because i swear every time i look at him his color changes :eek: atb walshy
  19. Yeh will do bud, will be spending alot of time on him so fingers crossed cheers walshy
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