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Everything posted by BrianSteven72

  1. watching other guys dogs work is good to see how they compare to yours but not the same as watching your own one you have bread and trained
  2. For me i wouldnt want anyone elses dog i would just want my old dog skippy back that died in the summer there aged 17 if i could have him back as a pup or a young dog now that would be quality
  3. never heard any of this before cant see any problem with one wouldnt put me up nor down
  4. same up hear in fife gusts of 100mph no tv signal which is maybe a good thing , trees down in the wood at the back of my house and wheelie bins and rubbish all over my street
  5. 23 tts at 4 months hes going to be a big boy , i would think you would be looking at about 29 tts at full grown atb
  6. never knew you were on hear ,pups looking good
  7. if a pure ridgeback was out paceing a roe it must of been sick or injured or just toying wth your dog , you never see a roe givng its all unless it has to you think they are running til the dog gets on there arse then they drop a gear and realy go for it
  8. ive only got one 6 month old pup the now in the part ive had 2 or 3 dogs but no more than that dont have the time or the ground to give more than that work , when this pup is up and running i will probably get another one but no more than that
  9. ive done most of my hunting on my own or with one or two close friends , ive never been one to go out with just anyone or to compete with them although i will say when there is strange dogs out with me my dogs seem to be on there toes and perform better must be a bit competition or them
  10. Not something i would do but seen it done a few times not just by the younger generation, if its getting away fare play to it atb
  11. its not been that cold up hear in Scotland ether this winter although not seen and rabbits in young , but this time last year we were knee deep in snow and it was down to minus 20 at night it swings in roundabouts some winters are mild and some are frozen
  12. had plenty black ones no big deal about hear had a few white and ginger ones but not so often
  13. my last dog died in the summer at 17 and a half years old and i had him from 6 weeks when i get a new dog its for life i dont give up at the first hurdle and get rid of them i try and make the best of there ability and im happy with that
  14. there is not one that im aware of Mitchel game in dundee is the closest up by camperdowm park
  15. your lucky i never got anything as good as that for crimbo atb with him
  16. i think they are a gimmick they catch more lampers than foxs
  17. ive used most of them years ago now i dont bother with them i honestly dont think they make any difference to the game you are trying to catch
  18. I have a pair of scarpa winter walking boots decent boots had them 3or4 years and still water proof and going strong , down side a bit expensive and quite stiff when new
  19. i just use a length of 6mm rope with a handle tied in one end and nothing on the other, slip it through the eye of the collar and when you want to slip the dog just let it go job done and if you loose it so what it never cost anything
  20. At 8 weeks or so its more of a lucky dip , for me its always a dog so i dont even look at the bitches so that narrows it down , after that its attitude shape size the way it moves and to some extent the colour after all that if it catches my eye im having it
  21. i would of thought a bull x was a running dog x to a bull if there is any other none running dog in there as well it would have to be much less % than there was bull if it was equall or two or more none running dog in there it would be a lurcher x
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