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Everything posted by BrianSteven72

  1. i think 24 tts , at 8 and a half months she wont be a kick in the arse of her full height !
  2. at the crack of dawn if you can get your ass out of bed !
  3. a dog with too much saluki in it drives you crazy !
  4. ive never heard that before or believe it 50/50 in my opinion if you put a beddy dog on a whippet bitch its 1/4 beddy 3/4 whippet was big into greyhounds few years back always looked at the bitch first if i was getting a pup thats why i said id see other opinions ive not done any breeding so im prob not the best person to answer this but had dogs all my life and for me you would have a first x beddy whippet to get a 1/4 beddy 3/4 whippet you would have to put one of the pups back to a pure whippet imo
  5. ive never heard that before or believe it 50/50 in my opinion
  6. same as above both equally important in my opinion
  7. a But thats JMO, always look for easy rabbits even if she was 2 years old and just starting never mind a pup she needs success she needs to catch to build hes confidence , pick your night and pick the rabbit you run try and get one that is well out in the field and the closer you can get the dog to it before it runs the better
  8. its not just the x that will make it a decent alrounder a lot will depend on your ability as a trainer and how much time and work you can show it !
  9. had a dog a few years a go he was a realy greedy fecker but even he stoped eating once for 3 days he never ate a thing for no apparant reason and in every other way he looked and acted healthy i was on the verge of taking him to the vets when on the 3rd day he just started eating again and it never happened again
  10. at the end of the day if the farmer thought for one minute you stole the dog or anything else for that matter i dont think you would have permission on his land so he cant think that bad of you !
  11. Why is it only England and Wales thats no good to me up here in Scotland ?
  12. i would run him doubled up with an older more experienced dog for 2 or 3 and see how he gets on and if hes keen enough after that give him a go on his own
  13. looking good my dog was 20tts at 4 months and now at 10 months hes now 25 tts so i would Say yours will make 24 at least
  14. sounds like nettles to me it will go away with time
  15. Thats great news that doesnt happen every day your very lucky good luck with him
  16. Haha that made me laugh some people where do they get it from !
  17. some xs will be harder to lead train than others and some dogs out the same litter will be harder than there siblings but they are all trainable just more time and patience is needed
  18. ive got a bull x and hes fine on the lead just the same as any other dog ive had , if your dog pulls on the lead its poor training not the x !!!
  19. seen this a few times with collie x if they dont fancy it they kid on they dont see it frustrating at times and as we all know sometimes the rabbit sitting next to the fence runs out in to the field or up and down the fence when the dog runs it and the most unlikely one is the one the dog gets , is the collie x running clever or just plain jacking i will leave the answer to that one for someone else !
  20. i would maybe have a chance if i roared realy loud and he was close before he got going but if he was any distance from me or was in full flight i would have no chance also would depend on what he had seen and how fresh he was
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