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About quadhunter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 30/07/1973

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  • Location
    Mid Wales

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  1. And the hound is a few generations back.
  2. Looks and sounds like he could make a decent hill dog if given the chance! Thats what his breeding would be more suited to not lamping!
  3. Only type of hunting that lights my fire,be it with lurchers or hounds !!
  4. Funny old world ! People pay large amounts of money to watch 30 or more hounds chase foxes across hills and dales, yet when someone uses more than 1 lurcher they get slated !!
  5. stormrider i think you are missing my point if all the ground u hunt is as vast and open as this why keep a dog for small fields like i said no nose,no find,no kill ! Have had dogs in past excellent on lamp and with terriers but useless on this hill ground also had dogs that were top dollar on hill but shit lamp dogs its a case of horses for courses!
  6. Spot on Dai some days it would be easier looking for gold! Its a simple fact with out extreme nose and stamina,no find,no kill !!
  7. Nice offer Dai wonder weather you will have many takers? Don't think they realise how many miles the dogs have to cover before they even find! yes i agree these dogs could be harder but I find when u harden them up u tend to sacrifice hunt and stamina! Would like to hear off lads who have got dogs to do it all could be interested in pup or stud.
  8. The rough merle bitch on vol 2 is out of 'Wheeler' and by a dog that has a touch of hound in his make up through a collie/hound a few gen back.
  9. The lad bred the main merle bitch 'Wheeler' himself like i said before welsh hill collie cross greyhound . Welsh collies totaly different to borders,for starters they must bark as they work this is where the voice comes from in these lurchers. Totaly agree dai dogs work similar land also, the hardest part is breeding dogs with enough brains and nose to find, speed stamina and guts to finish it when u got the both your in heaven
  10. welsh hill collies come in all merle colours,red and white,black and tan,and black and white
  11. Don't need to be steady to sheep have 2 be rock solid safe doesn't matter what cross the dog is ! Hill sheep totaly different to lowland ones don't flock together solo ewes will spring up in front of dogs in cover and run just like a deer! When the dogs are at times over 1/2 mile away hunting u have to have complete trust in them!
  12. not hancock bred, greyhoound cross welsh hill collie i beleive! In those vast spaces hunting ability and intelligence will put more foxes in the bag than pure gameness
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