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About donaldanddaisy

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  1. Please don't get mad but, no, I do not work my ferrets/polecats. I live in South West London and it is not something I have ever been offered the opportunity to do. I did not mean to hijack the forum for a conversation that some may feel doesn't belong here but, not knowing anybody locally who keeps ferrets (let alone EUs) I noticed that this forum came up again and again when I looked for other keepers on the Internet. Because of that, I thought that this would be the place where people might be most knowledgeable.Certainly, this is the most opportunity that I have been provided with to talk
  2. Thank you everybody. I am impressed by how sweet natured she is at the moment but did think that perhaps she and her brother may change once their hormones kick in. I will not breed from either of them unless I could be sure that happy, healthy kits with a good chance of happy homes would be the result. I have plenty of space here so a small litter might result in them staying with me I am aware of the differences between them and ferrets and worked closely with a friend years ago who had terrible trouble trying to breed from his polecats. If any of you have any experience and have some f
  3. Thank you, I appreciate the sound advice, Kay and the welcome, Kittlerox. You made some very valid points and I will give the matter serious consideration. I had considered breeding for several years but all of my other ferrets have been rescues and these are the first I know something of the lineage of. It is unlikely that I would go ahead, just wanted to float the idea and get some advice :-)
  4. Hello, I'm new to the forum and thought I would pick your brains if that's okay? I bought a pair of stunning EU polecat kits earlier this year. They are brother and sister so I cannot let them breed with one another. I have kept EU poleys before and also have had ferrets for years without having bred any of them. As these guys have got older, their temperament has come on leaps and bounds and they are really good looking animals. I would love to breed from the jill next year before having her neutered but I obviously need to identify an unrelated EU poley hob for stud services.
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