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Everything posted by ajaxinvincible

  1. Sorry mate i cant upload via my phone. If you send me your email addy ill send you some pics
  2. I have an air arms s410 in .177 with one mag for sale. It has a hawke hd 3x9x40 scope,sports match mounts, a 9-13 inch bipod, half fabric half leather sling, moderator and original muzzle crown, a deben tracer lamp with charger and red filter, a hills stirrup pump, various pellets and a padded rifle slip. The gun is in good condition and is very accurate. Im in north hampshire. Sensible offers only please. Reason for sale is i have applied for an fac and no longer want an air rifle
  3. Whats a decent .22 rimfire? I was thinkin cz452
  4. shooting tomorrow and it cant come soon enough

  5. shooting tomorrow and it cant come soon enough

  6. I recently bred some european polecat hybrids although they can be handled they are very nervous when on the ground. Has anyone found this? Does anyone else work these?
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