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Everything posted by tresspasser1

  1. Becarefull getting ya pups out to early lad, mines done it's tibia crest it's bin a nightmare remember their still only pups. Dnt wanna rush them mate..
  2. Just tell them to fook off it's a load of rubbish ring the police station or take written permission if u have nothing illegal in your van an your not driving on fields what's the prob.. Innocent until proven lads lots of people on ere just like scare mongering keep it going .
  3. The lads down are way all go to woodacre in Leigh up by Wigan he clicks an clunks the dogs he's a decent fella knows what he's on about he goes round the tracks.. Other people might say different tho ..
  4. Maybe if he wore something bright people wouldnt be as quick to bang them past him
  5. Are goalie tim Howard wears a camo top when playing what's the problem.. Camo all the way.
  6. Them rat smokers are the worst things ever made. I'm from lpool an I went up to A Carters 6 times in 2 weeks an his store was in blackpool which was a bit of a hike the things wudnt light the oil was shite it wudnt pump through nightmare. We yous a petrol chainsaw fill it up with 2 stroke an petrol an smoke away. Them other ones are shite..
  7. That's terrible just shooting them what a waste..
  8. Good luck with ya dog mate.. My pup is recovering from a broken knee crest it's not nice atb
  9. I agree with your thred their mate.. Smart dog aswell..
  10. Thorns or nettle stings it will be mate..
  11. My old dog got his toe cut off years ago.. It was his inside big front 1 he was back running 3 weeks later didn't bother him atb
  12. I gotta blue Merle off Hancock best dog I've ever had he's retired now at 11.. Brilliant dogs
  13. Six pack your full of shite u left a msg on a thred saying I should of left an injured dog in the field now you are comin out saying dogs shouldn't be culled make your mind up..
  14. Best all round dogs you can get mate..
  15. It's alright talking about this shite cos thats all us soft c**ts do.. We need to do something about it I reckon we get are dogs an guns get down their with the EDL an sort the vermin c**ts out... Aaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhh
  16. Some dodgy lampers on here, turning the lamp off an walking into the field expecting the quarry to be still their. Lamping with no filter bloody hell. Whatever floats ya boat tho..
  17. The Taliban wudnt mind hunting them vermin down with a few half xs
  18. Leave the lisssssp alone.. Hope u get a home for your well bread dog lol
  19. Sorry to hear about your dogs mate.I put a thred up on Tuesday about what happened to My pup over the weekend, it disheartens you mines broke his knee ad some good replys off people on here so am gunna see how he gets on.. ATB
  20. Good luck mate hope you get him back..
  21. I like that new kingsmill 50 50 lovely for toast mate..
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