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D Lloyd

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Everything posted by D Lloyd

  1. Cracking day at the show today cheers for letting me yous the tent lads it piss down first thing but was a good turn out
  2. cheers for all the comments lads and lasses had the second pup jump out this morning so time for a bigger run i think now i can look out :laugh:
  3. if im looking at the right one its a bitch
  4. be at the show if any one is wanting a new lamp come and see me ill have a stall there with lots of new lamps
  5. cheers its all down to the bitch realy
  6. please dont comment on my posts i dont want any more spoiledHow ignorantI thort he was quite polite he said please lolThe pups look cracking mate. i like the black one my self. So what x are they I know you have said pleanty of times but I just can't remember lol atb mate Edited to say change my mind I'll have the blue mearl pup eating out bowl lol lol lurcher to lurcher
  7. Still like that dark brindle cant get hold off the guy that was having it so it mite be avalebl soon
  8. please dont comment on my posts i dont want any more spoiled
  9. Good luck with it.very nice pup
  10. clever bitch ken i have only had one jump out of the box that was a merle bitch to funny that as the dogs are much bigger
  11. all the numbers are there in a post my misses did ring the police your selfs if had anof of the bull shit wcatchum ring fined out then you cam apoliges on here for talking shit
  12. This is David's partner, writing on his behalf. A few months ago, a member of this forum accused David of being a paedophile in an open thread, and threatened him directly in a private message. There was no evidence given, as there was none to give. However, the internet being as it is, these allegations were seen by many and brought up again in a thread just yesterday. We have spoken with the Police today and they have provided advice on the matter. Screenshots of all relevant comments have been taken as evidence. We will also be taking legal advice as to the slanderous nature of thes
  13. w katchum you going to anser on her or my pm
  14. Well you wanna maybe confront him, being ex pals and all, as its deffo stuck on, it seems to be common knowledge now that you as to move to Caithness quickly and it was to to with under age girls, like I said I no axe to grind I'm just saying it how it looks to me so cose i bread a young dog i should be call a pedo thats what you saying
  15. Well you wanna maybe confront him, being ex pals and all, as its deffo stuck on, it seems to be common knowledge now that you as to move to Caithness quickly and it was to to with under age girls, like I said I no axe to grind I'm just saying it how it looks to me Strong accusations to be making katchum. I ain't accused anybody of nowt, I just pointed out nobody was so quick to defend him then, but now there's pups on deck he got more knights defending his honour than ancient England lol I do have kids here at home tho so im sure as shit gonna remember when folk are accused of things like thi
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