its been so hot last few days cant seem to put the miles in with cesar to get him fit for september hes had a good long rest this some now its time to clock up the miles we were out at first light
but i went further than i pland so we keped going back to the river be cose the heat was to much for both of us buy 10 am i was sun burnt lol dont get that in the highlands of scotland its like being in the tropics now im back in wales
i did not now theese were in hower welsh rivers.logan will tell me what it is lol
nealy home boy
bumped for some one to seeWhat about lamping foxes at a distance, would that 36 watt one be any good?
i have a 27 wat the comes with battry in it that would be very good for what you want but if you want crazy distence go for the 45 wat