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D Lloyd

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Everything posted by D Lloyd

  1. Lot of ££££ led 150 would do you better and last longer .
  2. Lot of ££££ led 150 would do you better and last longer .
  3. Nice one trigger and Ben he's starting off really well for mate if you are happy who cares it works for you I had billy in the house last night watching hunting lions on dicecovery Chanel he's only 9 weeks lol
  4. Aye aye. What you been teaching him trigger? lol hes a giver thats for sure. hes allready for stud now lol. cyril learned cesar how to take one for the lads lol yes the twat then give him a love bite that sent me to the vets lol
  5. Aye aye. What you been teaching him trigger? lol gaz trigger was like the paparatsy with his big camra hes done this be for lol
  6. cheers for popping down mate it was a nice stroll cant do much more in this heat nice to see Buster and big Ben Mitchell he really liked Cesar. Cesar not ready to come out yet
  7. any one that can keep the rabbits down pm me ill do it for you no probs
  8. No I was looking at the pictures you put up on the black pup they both look pretty chunky and the post the other day with other pup from the litter. The merle isnt chunky but has had a growth spert, but not chunky the brindle is still pretty petite as you can see , although they know how to eat and chew almost anything that gets in there way lol The brindle has really come out of her shell , They both look lush mine are right fattys lol
  9. all looking mint lads all the best with them
  10. Looking stunning mate so glad they got a good home with you all up there plenty of leg under them.mine are very heavy are yours the same solid typs
  11. i am tempted but two would be hard work then id have bitches and dogs for ever lol
  12. cheers.i told you carrats are only good for his eye site mate melon for bulking up
  13. i try to keep the dogs from rabbits this time of year but no harm here i tell him to stay will i scare them in a bit then hes free to go on his way back with nout jest how i like it lot of the rabbits out now are dull half grown ones so the will get a few scares of me so they mite live to make it to full size they do get some stick round her with dogs and air gunners this time of year. stand cesar go on
  14. 3/4 meals a day all they can eat fatty kidney liver and tender loin plus a pint of milk pups love theyer grub it was drizling when i put them out then ternd to rain them thick coats on them done the trick laying out in it eating no intrest in getting in the kennal second meal of the day the sun had come out you can run but you cant hide pups full for 5mintits had ready for a kip in a odd spot
  15. There was a few I would of liked to keep on mate but want to really get going with the one my time is split up more now I have my lad best thing ever by the way you will now what its like soon lol
  16. I jest won't to stick with dogs from now on mate so I'm not tempted to breed ever again.but the longer she is her the more I'm liking her she gos in Dylan's swimming pool mad thing
  17. they are mate iv not wayed them but they are very heavy.i only got it a few weeks back as one of the pups was going a bit shy of beeing out so got it so the can spend more time out it done the trick so money well spent
  18. even when you think hes looking the other way lol
  19. quietest litter iv ever had you cant creep up on them for a pic tho hes all was watching
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