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D Lloyd

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Everything posted by D Lloyd

  1. Does anyone have any info on the injection used to bring a bitch into season? I've heard of something called PG600, which is designed for pigs but also used for dogs. Is this what is used in the UK, or is there something else? Also if anyone has any info as to the safety/long term effects of injecting a bitch. Thanks in advance.
  2. cheers lads its a none starter over here and im not going to china. back to the drawing board.
  3. cheers max iv got a mate that nows here well speeking to here but shes been in irland so asked on here mean wile cheers
  4. no flys on you mate blacky to sp if i can do it
  5. well thats some think i will need to look at to mate im not a ritch man
  6. she was a cow to a lot of fox preban dose that count lol cheers
  7. old mesages delited now hope thats done it thanks
  8. i did not now you could close it ill see wat i can do now cheers tomo
  9. can this be done i was told it can then the eggs and spurm can be put in a younger bitch to have the pups is it ture and dose any one now were it can be done if it can at all cheers. david
  10. iv got the same set up thats very good,thats cheep for some one
  11. bloody hell moll that looks like fun best pics iv seen for a long time keep at it bet the farmer loves you lot.dogs look like thay are having a ball. atb david
  12. thats a positiv nowt for the young one to end the season on i do love a collie bull mixs iv had a few good ones my self.hope his next season starts like this one mate
  13. cheers no takers on here so will do
  14. fits most astate cars and 4x4s cost over £500 selling £400 ono got all the keys for it
  15. got this a few seasons ago brand new as a spare cost £65 it as the two lights walking and main light £40 if any one wants it
  16. sent pm mate did you get it?got room in my in box now cheers
  17. id swap you 8 fen traps for lamp and filter pm me if you want a deal mate
  18. cracking season mate that young dog as done you proud keep posting nice to see that you stop at this time of year good luck with you new young bull cross next season.dont think you will need any luck with this one, atb
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