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D Lloyd

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Everything posted by D Lloyd

  1. bloody night mare with the moon going down now mate
  2. the big dog from last night is broken as roy ses lol we was on my land last night. so the keepers misses still wanted to go out with out her dog fare play to her and we went to some of her land were she did the carrying as well,glad i left the ruck sack at home : : weather was much beter but the dog realy did have to work hard jest one of them plases as you can see from the pic he was not happy with 9 he wanted one more so after missing two real grooling runs i was going to stop there but seen a nice squater that he nailed in the seat like the one the night be for fare play to him. he was
  3. shes has a pulled muscle paul will be off for a wile yet mate. yes thats the one cheers. hes shaping up well
  4. cheers phil. he was jest to nice of a dog to put down and gets a few bunnys I totally understand, would have done the same thing myself, well done, keep up the good work. cheers. gafer on here as a tripod to that catches well only two workers i now of.lets hope no more dogs get banged up this season.
  5. think my mate will prob let them go for nout hes only ever bread ones be for and thay were all gifted as far as i now
  6. cheers phil. he was jest to nice of a dog to put down and gets a few bunnys
  7. cheers flacko. get pics on id love to see how yours is doing,thay all seam full of been
  8. ok no worrys.that litter should do you well mate. caleds sister to spider pig only thing is,the bloody drive well over 1000 miles
  9. hows tilly doing?? Absolutely flying mate ....... glad to here the feed back,,,,on snipes off springs,,,we will have that night out soon ken,,,,it would be great to see these young guns,,on a big ish night out,,,,, mars is getting there slowly, all the servivers are doing well jim.well worth the 1500 mile drive and the best £100 i ever spent
  10. hows tilly doing?? Absolutely flying mate ....... glad to here that mate.are you still going to breeder her if you dont want the truble iv got a litter pland you can have a pup for nout as i now you give a good home.
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