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D Lloyd

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Everything posted by D Lloyd

  1. iv had a few gardens full of flowers pups are the best at fuking them up lol he looks gilty to me
  2. cheers.could be some realy nice workers from this litter
  3. bloody hell he looks stronger than mine you could sell rides on the beech with some of this litter roy
  4. the best meat you can aford or get your hands on chicken venisen beef lamb rabbit and pleanty of it my pups about 5 months now so hes looking ok on it.
  5. nice one gafer keep him at it as long as you can mate
  6. cheers if i ever get the hand of videoing ill post it on here mate
  7. cheers. hes fine the day after, but you can see on the way home in the car hes done plenty,hes flat out were he would normaly be on my sholder looking down the head lights of the car lol
  8. yes mate. ill not try him to hard tho hes had anuff stress on is young body all ready
  9. cracking clip mate good to see
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