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About CaptainBanana

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 17/09/1987

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  1. What is it that makes it a better gun? Not claiming any personal knowledge here, but the writeups that I've read on the net (super reliable I know) seem to be fairly positive for the Mossberg and a bit of a mixed bag for the Winchester.
  2. Tell me about it! I've known lads who believe it perfectly acceptable to rattle off 50 carts and bring down 2/3 birds. Now I'm not claiming the title of worlds greatest shot, and I know we all have bad days. But if that's your regular, you've got no right to be shooting at anthing with a pulse! Thanks for the little writeup on the Mossberg there Meece, just what I was after that ?
  3. I'm not desperate for anything to be honest, I've just got a hankering for something new. My main shooter for the past 4 years has been an old non ejecting, double trigger O/U Baikal and it's done me very well. I'm definitely a subscriber to the theory that a more expensive gun doesn't make you a better shot.. It's all about the fit! I'm thinking I'll arrange to go and have a look at the Mossberg, they seem fairly well thought of and are apparently pretty bulletproof. And as a bonus they've been made the same way for about a million years so parts will be available if needed... Plus I do
  4. So for a while now I've been wanting to pick up another 12gauge, and today the mrs gave me permission to spend some pennies. I'm wanting either a pump action or a semi and there a four near(ish) to me that fit the bill. They are a Mossberg 500, a Winchester 1200, a Remington 1100 and a Rottweil semi (model currenly unknown). I was hoping for the opinions of a few lads who own or have owned/used any of the above to help me make a decision. Obviously the end result will depend more on fit etc than anything else, but they're all spaced a ways apart. So basically I'm asking which should
  5. Got an old .22 Webley excel that a mate of mine gave me many moons ago.
  6. Starting to think you might be right. 2 nights out now and not so much as a whisker! Out again tonight for another go, hopefully the old saying rings true and it'll be 'third time's a charm'.
  7. Evening gents, sorry to keep you all in suspense. Been away with work for a week so had no chance to get out yet. But on the plus side charlie will have had plenty of time to get used to the half-arsed hide I threw up. Spoke to the farmer last night, he's been keeping an eye out and there's been a couple sightings at the stink pit while I was away. Looks like we're on! Out tomorrow night to hopefully wrap it up.
  8. I use the 6-24x50 Gameking. Think I paid around £60 for mine. Gotta love ebay! Overkill for the .22lr, but for the price I can't fault it. Spends a lot of time being roughly bounced about on farm machinery and never needed re-zeroing. +1 from me.
  9. Thanks for all the tips chaps. Built me a stink pit last night with a dead calf and a couple chicken carcasses, just need to wait for it to 'mature' a bit. Shouldn't take long if recent weather is anything to go by.. Also chucked up a quick camo hide (upwind of course). Think I'll leave it until Thursday night and head out in the wee hours to see if I can spot the sod. Again, cheers for the advice one and all, I'll keep you updated. Mick
  10. Sounds like cat food is the way forward then. I'll swap the bunnies for it and see how I get on.As far as the Rooks go, I've had a good few with the .22 at 60- yards but I fancy the HMR for the extra reach it will allow me. The noise isn't really a factor as the first thump of bullet on meat tends to send them all skyward anyway, even with the lr. Cheers for the advice so far chaps.
  11. Hi Joe.By wires are you talking snares? I've zero experience of trapping so forgive my ignorance. A cage trap would be a good idea, but I think the last time this bloke spent any cash on anything was before I was an itch in my daddies nutsack. His kit is all a good 20 years old. How much does a cage trap run to out of interest? Could be something handy to keep about. It's definately him, I've scared him out of the pens once myself when I was setting up for crows one morning.
  12. Hi Dan,This was my original plan, been baiting for 8 days now with no luck with split open bunnies, he's not touched even one, do you know of anything more attractive to Charlie? Cheers Maktayla. The issue with getting closer to him is he sits right smack centre of the field next to the cow yards, it's around 18 acres with thick, mature hawthorne round the edges so I have no way of hiding myself within 100 yards of his usual spot. The reason I though of the HMR was twofold. The first being that I've fancied one for a while anyway, mainly for all the rooks knocking about at the minute.
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