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Everything posted by Mingdiddles

  1. I don't see a problem with this at all. If a non kc beats a 'well regarded' kc on the day in the ring, so be it. It's the judges decision.It's a shame that the kc aspect has crept in and is overtaking. It's becoming apparent that the kennel name is more important than the dog itself. I hope that the push from some to make this gamefair more of a kc event to suit themselves, is not going to have a knock on effect for the terrier aspect of the gamefair either. Ultimately I would hate to see the local country people, who live in the vicinity of Birr and surrounding counties, and have th
  2. To include whippets in the 5 nations at Birr, would be a nice asset to the Birr gamefair. However, even though my whippet is kc, I am glad you have pointed out that there are many opportunities in KC whippet events for owners throughout the whole calender year and i think it would be inappropriate to start bringing kc criteria into the equation of the summer gamefair. If I choose to go to kc events, I go. However, if I choose to go to a gamefair during the summer months, such as Birr, I go and enjoy the show, as a country fair, warts and all. Part of the mission statement of the great
  3. Quite right. Here's something that sums up what seems to be happening-Taken From : Judge And Ye Shall Be Judged By Sierra Milton. (I just googled impartial judging dogs) What causes judges to succumb to face judging? Those judges who are not thoroughly familiar with the breed, its purpose and standard will settle on the familiar face, sometimes mistakenly trusting that the professional or well-known face will be a safe placement. There are also those who enjoy seeing their faces in the various dog publications, believing that they are as vital a component as the dog, losing sight of
  4. sure I just read over the lists of qualifiers for 32 championships and a lot were judges at some point in the year. It seemed sometimes that dogs were being put through during summer based on who the owner was. What peed me off during the year at some days out where there were 'pet' classes, grown ups were running into the ring with there flashy dogs ahead of the kids with their ratty looking pets, just to get another rosette for the wall. This looked desperate and inconsiderate.
  5. [/quote i would like to see more lure coursing ran over diffrent distances from 200 yrd up over jumps and without each round the course changed would make better viewing in my eyes Agreed. It would be a good example of displaying a dogs true character,qualities, potential and what they're used to doing, other than being able to run fast in a straight line
  6. Was looking forward to this day out on Sunday but ended up at Crufts. As the rain poured, dogs slid off the 'show tables' - what's with the tables - last time my dog was on a table was at the vets getting his jabs. And all the fancy show leads, last minute hairbrushing of dogs in the ring, dogs afraid of walking in the cowpats and stingers.
  7. Albert, Looking forward to this show, but hope you have a PA/Loudspeaker system -Had a great time at Shanes but couldnt hear each race being announced (well shouted out from down the field) with all the background noise from the main fare.
  8. Long drive back got out of muddy field just on time. Racing was good but there should have been a fence at the end of the track to stop dogs running off. 4 lurchers cleared the track and nearly made it into the main fair in the field next door- a few terriers went running off the track at the end and into the crowd and cars. Some dogs could have got lost here today or someone could have got hurt. Big turnout in the Lurchers. The ring was jammed . could have done with a bigger ring. Lurcher judge had his work cut out for him, massive job checking over all those dogs. He did a good job
  9. Barry the 9th of Sept is the date of our last Sporting Whippet Club Show for this year, as posted on here previously in the list of show dates for 2012. We also hold our overall whippet championship from our shows that day after our main show The updated list has the sporting whippet club as having their date on the 16th September.
  10. Thanks for a great day out yesterday and well done to the organisers. The racing was brilliant (even though my first time runner got stage fright and just stood there!) Just great to see so many dogs and people out enjoying themselves
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