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About bohemigsboy

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. duckwing .... although the majority of the bulldog men were as you described not all of them were .... the point i am trying to get across is people make themselves out to be whiter than white and say they never sell anything when in reality they have .....where did these that are made out to be hero's get there stock from ?......i'll tell you ...someone sold them it..... in all the time ive had dogs only two people have given me them the rest i had to pay for .... maybe its different in gamefowl i don't know but as i said in bulldogs there is very few who hasnt sold any at one time or anot
  2. bit off topic here ..... but didn't most of the top bulldog men in this country sell dogs ??
  3. her sire i own? is direct from a bitch out of nipper/oscar/ and a 3/4ghound saluki over that to produce my old dog and we put him to a ghound bitch to get abi thanks for the reply ...my old bitches sire was out of oscar / stinger
  4. good looking pups ..... my bitch had a couple of blues when i used a dog down from lucy's brother
  5. SV wrote on here years ago that charlie yapped as did alot of his offspring ...it didn't go down well with alot of people on here but it was his opinion as he had seen them run... if baz said buddy yapped then it is obviously somethng that is being passed on down the line imo
  6. ye got me scratching my head at that comment?? fookin fox hound surely not but hey ho who knows if its merlin n eve He goes back to laddie the street accident who is dukes sire and he is in my pup several times so there could be anything in there yes mate i seen a pic of laddie an must admit laddie dint look bad at all but your bang on anything could be in there an could throw up at anytime . some of the money asked for pups of that breeding when they could throw anything is rediculous though an its risky business buying from such stock but i must admit some of these dogs are pretty awesom
  7. you wanted a one like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DOGTRA-YS300-NO-BARK-COLLAR-RECHARGEABLE-2YR-WARRANTY-/330307415345?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs&hash=item4ce7db2d31
  8. if it has a one on and still barks it is either a cheapy or it is not tight enough around its kneck ?
  9. thats a good price salukixlad ... how come they get it that cheap and is it this price for long or just a one off ?
  10. an antibark collar is the only option if everything else has failed . i know some people don't like them but they do work . i have also had hassle in the past so if you want to keep the terrier get a one bought from dogtra etc .... good luck
  11. thought they were both white .... the memory is not so good these days lol
  12. never saw her just saw the 2 out of blondie / charlie and jake
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