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Everything posted by NightRunner

  1. when we use fox urine. It's the salt in the urine that attracts the rabbits. They don't fear it like one would think That's news to me, I was under the impression it was from a fresh dug hole, but more so to light of pan tension. Keep the BS comming.
  2. However I have snared over 10,000 animals in the US and Canada. I can tell you that foxes in general are really easy to snare. If you set the loop at the proper height and diameter, you will amost always miss a cat and catch a fox. Foxes do not need to be shot. I have killed thousands and never fired one shot. I'd like to see a pic of these number you state so openly.
  3. Don't know where your snaring using live bait??? 10K snared that's alot what are you O'gorman?? If I had a live fox in a box trap why not just relocate it seems simple enough.
  4. You want the best fox galnd lure here it is. Even though I am a cruel guy. 100 clean butts, 1 liver, 10 gall bladders, covered in urine all summer and then grind and strain and add in glycerin You want items here ya go, Rich takes paypal also and can get anything your heart desires. He also ships to AU . In fact he sells them there bait close to 25 gals a month he ships over seas. www.rktraplineproducts.com
  5. Make sure your fish is fresh and use alot. You can take your fish in the summer, gut them, chunk then and layer in between rock salt. You'll have a bait that can take a good freeze and give off some good odor. Mink aren't that hard to trap, Just gang set for them.
  6. Lets say your walking down a sidewalk and someone has left a gate open thats sticking out into the sidewalk. You just walk around it. Well in the water that gate can be a stump, a large rock, a sharp point or even a slow curve in the river bank. Your coni goes right up tight to that spot and on the bottom. Mink, muskrats and beavers will many times stay right tight to thoes points and swim around them hugging close to them. Most times the waters moving slower right there so its eaiser swimming for them and its said that they don't know for sure whats around that point so they just stay real cl
  7. You guys have all those rabbits. Use a big FRESH piece no tainted bait. A mink will want that meat even if they were full. You ever hear of a bottom edge set???
  8. The Berkshires aren't that good anyway. Make out of the fender washers and you'll be fine. 3\32nd 7x7 cable for fox.
  9. Cover it with grass to make a tunnel. I get alot of refusals from a 110 conibear. If it were me I would put a 110 on that crossing made up with a cirle trigger.
  10. http://www.pogostickanchors.com/how_it_works.htm Read this and you can make the for pennies.
  11. Try some mink glands with some feathers tossed around. Mink don't go in every hole.
  12. I will try to enlighten some of you. THe trap I posted is laminated, base plated and offset. It holds the animal it doesn't dig in like think. Many times the trapped animal is sleeping. You talk about shooting a fox in a trap. You can kill them quick an easy with a tap on the bridge of the nose and then one shot on the neck to break it. If it takes 3 seconds maybe. Read up on how we trap. http://www.furtakersofamerica.com/ There are many trappers that have inpacted trapping the way we know it. Kill springs on snares, and the use of long snares. Modifying foot holds. Drownin
  13. Of course sending a dog to ground, lurching, and such are better. It's been a fun ride for a few days with you guys. Like they say in old Mexico city AMF. So long chaps.
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