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Everything posted by NightRunner

  1. Stay away from anything with Sullivan he's a black eye for US trappers. Try Rich www.rktraplineproducts.com he has some of the best bait and lure around.
  2. Use an owl decoy. Can you guys use an electronic caller over there?? If you can get a recording of death cry of a crow and a muder of crows. Over here we don't bother to much with decoy unless your on a flyway. Other than that it's run and gun. Drive a few miles call shoot then off to the next spot. www.crowbusters.com http://www.varmintal.com/ahunt.htm#Calling you can get sounds from the above site burn to cd and use a boom box.
  3. Those type are called Iowa Disposable the late Ron Hansen Jr. was the man behind the whole concept. If you going to be making them cut the stake on an angle. Then when you make the driver make you holding part even. Drive the ID in then hit the driver on the side, pull it out. Here's where many make the mistake, don't pull it up, pull it even with the ground the anchor it. I make some up with Stainless Steel cable and leave them in the ground for next year. The idea was it can't harm farm equipment and less wieght to carry. Ron was a very good fox trapper and one of the best coon snaremen arou
  4. Those bars have complete closer. Here's a Species Specific The BMi is the standard for me since I run so many. A fwe weeks ago at a trapping convention Rich was selling 110 mags for 42USD a dozen.
  5. The one advantage to the Round style is it allows the springs to climb up the bars. Thus giving more pressure to kill. I don't know if they are legal over there but do a google for Belisle trap. www.trapsandfur.com/traps.htm click on the right for a few pics
  6. The gets there hunting instinct going, just like after they cut a field go there at night after the cutting and you'll see fox mousing. The spring hole set is used where there is a spring that doesn't freeze, it's a dead of winter set when it's frozen and the only water open is a spring. You want a rock in the spring for your bait or lure then place trap by rock. The trap is on a hook not staked. The other set that many confuse is te CHAFF set. I posted that set since I replied to the box trap fox set, the mouse in the cage is used sometimes for the Hay Set. You can also place some
  7. Pay attention boys, here's a set that has been the demise of many a fox. A friend of mine came up with this sometime ago. Alan C the best thing about this set is it requires no digging, dog proof and best of all can take a good snow fall. This is just to show you other sets you guys read about. I know a woman that took 95 fox in 28 days just using this set. You have to be on location for this one and provokes a fox into what is known as High Stepping while hunting. Once they smell the fresh hay it turns them on. Sticks stuck in hay in pic 3 show where to put lure and pee. I put a few
  8. Catch a live mouse, dig a hole to fit a small cage, place mouse in cage and fill up the litte cage with cracked corn and cover lightly with hay, place you box trap over it. Break up the outline of the trap with brush. Place some gland lure in the back of your trap with fox urine. If you have a large box trap build a little cage in it and place a small live chicken in there with water and feed.
  9. Maybe someone just changed springs and placed them on that way, many trappers take the number 1 longsprings and add a spring to make them a number 11. Trappers beef up the springs all the time.
  10. You guys don't use rebar for stakes???
  11. Don't forget to dress up a little, then again all you guys look your ready to go to wedding even while trapping. Us US boys wear jeans and flannel shirts
  12. You can use rebar rod and weld a washer about 1/2" lower from the top. Don't use smooth rod since it has no grabbing capability. If you going to making some for soft ground for fox and such about a 1/4 of the way up from the bottom give it a little bend. When you drive it in it will force the bend to go staight and give you super holding power. Here in the US if your trapping for fox then you better double stake in case a coyote swings buy. Another nice item to have in truck is a Demolition bar to pul stakes that get hung. I give a stake a minute to pull and If it won't go the chain gets
  13. if an anti came up to me and said have you got permission i would say something like ; f**k off you c**t or i'll stamp your head into the ground or maybe The best thing you can do is keep your book with you and keep moving. If they want to call the warden let them you have the permision. You don't know who or if they have contact to the local paper. congressman. One slip and you can ruin a good thing. The best thing for gaining permission is I am joe blow from ...... I was wondering of I could trap your lovely property. Look them in the eye when you do this. If they say no ask
  14. Gaining permission should always be done in person, your going out there to sell yourself. Here in the US permission is a big thing and most trappers are working on that everyday all year long. I have a book that I get the landowner to sign. I tell them that I will through during the night, what truck I am using. If it's fair weather I drive xxxx truck if the snow flies I will have a bigger truck. Respect the farmers land, try to give him a hand during the summer. At the end of the season make sure you go back and say thanks. Tell them what you caught and if you have seen anything unusual. Fen
  15. You boys do not have coon, they feel everything with there feet and will pull a trap up out of it's bed. When your dealing with wire it's nothing but a pain. Try putting 60 traps in totes, when you pull one out with chain it pulls right out. Try that with wire. A mink will float and there's not enough weight to pull them down that is why I want the chain. A little thin peg NO WAY always stake a trap for the biggest animal that stops by. I have had coyotes and fox in pocket sets for mink. Put a 20 pound coon on a little peg and you'll be looking for traps all day. I have a feeling you guys
  16. moley, these guys are not any better than us at open trail snaring , trust me, gw. That all depends on who you have seen trap and where.
  17. Because when I set the trap and make a catch I want it to go down quick and be hidden. When you say stick are you meaning a stick or a rebar stake. The puropse of staking on an angle and into the currnet is to get them out of the way. Also we have raccoon so if you can get them out on the surrnet chances are you won't get a pull out. It's like setting up a bridge if you have a thief in the area set down off the current a big trick is to see if there is mud in the water if so the thief knows he has a gift up stream. I don't know what your compition is like over there or if you get trap thi
  18. www.traps4kids.com/modifications.html scroll down, you do this os you can have it click and ready to go. It's a great set up when working in the dark.
  19. I am going after them for mink some of the areas I trap no foot holds. The three foot of chain is to take mink down in deep water. Make a pocket and stake the trap out in deep water on an angle with the current, the chain adds weight. I'll take some pics in the next day or so.
  20. Knight latched the trigger knotch, tossed the light chain, pulled out the light J hook, drilled the frame for a new J hook, 3 foot machine chain number 2 and added 3 swivels. Simmered in Lye and ready for a dye and wax job next weekend. I also set a few up on drowning rigs. Dyed about 200 mink traps and getting ready to go through 200 body grippers. Snares I'll KO next week. After that it's get some more areas to trap. Well what did you do today.
  21. VV you made a post on trapperman stating you retired to the Islands. So why would you be on here looking for Hunk???? or are you just admitting your coming out of the closet? Either way you've made a fool of yourself and American trappers. Is there a chance someone could the plug on this member.
  22. Find where is roosts and get it at night, I had to catch one of mine once. When your 30 feet up a ladder and you grab on to the feet get ready. Seemed like a good idea on the ground.
  23. What's a pegged snare?? That snare will fire with the slightest touch. Most of my mink are neck snared.
  24. As we say in the States "Buck UP" Once you get the hang of it "It's easy" one thing you can do is get your trap in position and use a small wire to start the trigger if you a baby.
  25. cheers mate will give it a miss What does MISS mean????
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