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About nick.c

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  1. i am thinking of buying a lithium lamping kit i have the old type is it worth upgrading or not, would like to hear off anybody who has one cheers.
  2. having been the secretary of the alc i have been lucky enough to see some of the best dogs in the country and meet some true sportsman, most of who like me always gave fair law to the hare so to make a true and fair test. sadly some of the dvd film i have seen made me sick and also sad, dogs being slipped on hares under foot sometimes with more than one dog giving chase and in summer. when i did the cla gamefair one chap came up to me telling me joyfully how is dog had taken 5 out of 5 the other day and it was the best dog he had ever seen, i pointed out that it was the middle of july and out
  3. I have been sitting here perusing some of these posts and i cant understand why some people are running their dogs in high summer, for one most of the ground is too hard and you risk injury to your dog and two, rabbits and hares will be full of milk. (female ones that is) I can understand if the farmer asks you to thin them out abit i mean if you dont someone else will right, or to bring a young dog on so to gain experiance but running out of season never has been or never will be for me.
  4. hi all, thought i would have my 10 pence worth since its my first post, ive seen some quality dogs run over the last 20 years like captain,splodge,beau,benji,lucky, and going further back a dog called spider, too many to name but one of the most consistent was a dog called snatch the litter brother of captain owned by oggy. after all, all dogs should be judged after a few seasons and not after a dozen outings.
  5. hi everyone my name is nick and i am new to this site. i was the secretary of the "alc" and love running those big eared rabbits.
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